My Weird Neighbor Series 2

705 45 6

Freen's Pov

Its been two days after that birth day gift incident and until now i still don't know what to do.

I don't even know if i should confront her or what. She didn't even try to talk to me.

I was actually waiting for her to knock on our door and say sorry for what she did. But nothing. I didn't even see her go out or what.

Not even the shadow of her parents. Is she alone?

Their house doesn't look like there's someone living there..

It's so frustrating! Even my plan to have me time by going somewhere around bangkok was ruin! because I'm not in the mood to go out. i wont enjoy its anyway because my head is somewhere else.

This is all her fault. P'nam even called me asking me to go out but i refused! and i only have 3 days more before our school days starts again. How can i enjoy it?

" Aaaaaahhh!" i messed my own hair when i remembered her kissing me again. And my body suddenly felt so hot. i closed my eyes and i saw myself kissing her back. I can even feel her tongue on my tongue..

I shook my head to erase those images on my head..

" Maybe i just need to take a bath.. " i said to my self and since im alone in our house i took of my clothes straight and walked to my bath room.

I filled the tub with warm and mixed a strawberry flavor bath soap..

" ahh.. So refreshing.. " said the moment i soak my body on the water...

I closed my eyes... savoring the warm water on my skin. I felt sleepy.. Then i think i felt the water move

And the next thing i know is that im floating And after a few more seconds i felt something soft on my back.

It feels so good..

Then i felt a warm thing on my lips.. And it started to move . Im currently dreaming that im kissing someone and It feels so damn real..

I parted my mouth when i felt a wet muscle making its way.. Tongue? i wonder but i let it enter anyway..

Damn this dream is so good. But whose kissing me? Becky? That weird girl? No.. Get her out your head.. enough thinking about her ..

I Told my self..

"B-becky.. " i suddenly moaned which made my eyes wide open and saw her.. The girl who i just called earlier.

" w-what--" but i wasnt able to say more because she kissed me again.

And whats more frustrating is that i cant stop my self from kissing her back...

and finally she let go of my lips. Both of us were gasping while staring at each other.

" w-what was that a-about? w-what are you doing here??" i manage to asked.. I want to look away but i can. Shes still just a few centimeter away from me..

" the door is open. Then i saw you in your bath tub. i thought you are drowning" she said in a matter of fact tone.

Door is open?? thats impossible! i looked at her with my side eyes. and she just stared back..

" y-you--" but she lean again and kissed me. Damn why cant i stop responding.

She slipped her tongue inside me again And tried to lick mine but i suddenly pushed her.

She looked at me confusedly.

.Damn this girl. Cant she feel it? im totally naked for goodness shake! i can totally feel my hard nipples on her chest because she's hovering on top of me.

" w-what the hell are you doing??" i asked.

" oh.. Ah... CPR.. i learned it at school. And i always wanted to try it. " She said coolly and with out a warning she lean on me and start kissing me again.

Damn!! theres no way this thing shes doing is CPR!!!


A/N: Owh well... I would love that kind of CRP!
Wont you guys?? Hahaha

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