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A/n: Thank you @sushi_kitten1  And I'm completely and utterly sorry for being this late- I sort of abandoned Wattpad for a while- so, here it is 😰 (btw, I decided adding A/B/O dynamics- because- uhhh yes, but it's really subtle, no smut, yes mpreg fluff- Sorry I'm so bad at fluff😭😿)

Jeremy came back from home after a very long day of work. He has promised Mike he would come early, but as he checks the time, It's really late...

-Where the hell have you been? - Michael stares at him, scanning him. His arms crossed over his chest, his frown and, his very noticeable baby bump. Mike is clearly pissed off. -I expected you coming earlier. As you promised. - He reminds Jeremy.

Jeremy lets out a soft sigh. -Look, I'm sorry. I got distracted at work. - He tries to sound as calm as possible, he feels bad for not fulfill what he promised. Mike just keeps staring at him, nodding like if he cared about any cheap excuse. He rolls his eyes as he opens the door completely, and while he holds his belly, he signs Jeremy to come in.

He sighs heavily as he sits on the couch, grabbing a blanket. -I really missed you... - Mike says, looking at his feet. -I was really angry, I thought you wouldn't come...-

Jeremy sighs as he sits next to him in the couch. -I know...- He strokes Mike's hair gently. His fingers caressing the soft strands of his hair. -I'm truly sorry...-

Mike whines lowly. -I was very concerned.-

-I know baby, I can't help it but apologize again.-

Mike lets out a heavy sigh as he lays his head on Jeremy's shoulder. His hands stroking the baby bump over his oversized shirt. -I just miss you so much, I miss your presence when you're at work. Your scent. Without you. I don't know how could I make it through this.- He points at his baby bump.

Jeremy smiles. -How long...?-

-Five months.-

He nods. - Time goes by so fast, I love seeing you like this. You look stunning, my love.- He kisses Mike's forehead and then his lips gently.

Jeremy can smell and feel how his mate is happy. His scent is like sweet honey and homemade coffee in the morning. Very- but very sweet and in a good mood.

Jeremy strokes Mike's belly gently. -We really need to start looking for names.-

-Not yet...- Mike says, rolling his eyes with a little smile. -Don't you think it's too soon?-

-I can't help it but feel excited, It's all too much for me...- Jeremy chuckles, giving Mike another kiss on the forehead. -My precious...-

Mike smiles, he purrs as he cuddles with Jeremy on the couch, both of their hands over the baby bump. They're both excited and awating this life to be born, to be the sunshine of their lifes. Jeremy can smell how the house smells... Like home. Like a place where he always wanted to be. And where he is now.


Jeremike one shots for dying of cuteness 💖💖💖Where stories live. Discover now