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So i know this book is done but i do want to add some more info! mostly a new routine, which has some fun exercises

First off, i want to mention that do have a chronic illness that causes my body to produce defective collagen. This means that my joints are really loose because my collagen is stretchier than it should me; and for me this means i have/had chronic pain and constant dislocations of all of my joints.

Because of this, i had to quit weight training a few weeks after i initially published this book in 2021. But I restarted nearly a year ago in order to build muscle around my joints to provide stability and hold them in place (aka prevent dislocations).

I do have to say that it took me a long time to learn how to manage my symptoms enough for me to get to this place. It was not easy, and I never thought i'd be able to be weight training again.

Initially, I started my routine with a PPL (push pull leg) which a lot of gym rats swear by. But I quickly decided that i hate it and just started doing everything everyday, which probably isn't super healthy but it's fun and motivates me to actually work out.

anyways without further ado:

Current Routine
V-ups, failure x1
Side Plank dips (obliques), failure x1
Crunch to twist, failure x1
Leg raises, failure x2
Dumbbell bench press, failure x2
Laying Chest Flys, failure x2
Hex press, failure x2
Push-up variations (archer, wide, diamond, normal), pick two variations do each till failure one time
Trapezius & Deltoids-
Lateral Raises, failure x2
Standing dumbbell row, failure x2
Overhead delt press, failure x2
Curls, failure x3
Band assisted lunges, failure x1
Squats with added weight, failure x1

That's it. lmk if you have questions!! Peace ✌️

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