Part 1 | Request

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Nick: Hey Marshall
Marshall: yes dad?
Nick: So, I will be away tomorrow for the car maintenance check, and to get some groceries too, after. So it would probably take a whole day for it
Marshall: whole day?
Nick: yup. So I was thinking, if you can look after the pups while I'm away?
Marshall: Me? Look after the pups?? :0
Nick: yup. Rengar's a bit too busy with his stuff so he can't come, though he would come over at lunch to get you guys some lunch. So I was thinking if you can do it. Afterall, especially with Chase and Zuma, it's like you're their daddy :)
Marshall: I'll do it! I'll look after the pups! :3 Especially when it feels great to hear words like that from the two ^^
Nick: you sure? It takes a big responsibility to look after and take care of the pups.
Marshall: sure I'm sure 😊. I can handle two things with one stone :)
Nick: heh, alright 😊 I'll tell the others tomorrow. Right now, it's time for dinner first.

Nick then went to the kitchen to make dinner. Marshall tries not to tell everyone else since he wanted to surprise them. He then saw Chase having difficulties playing with his new toy, and walked to him.

Marshall: hey Chase. What's that?
Chase: it my new toy! But, me nyot know how to use it :C it says hewe  that it can go weawwy fast, but when ish put it on the gwound, it didn't move... can chu hewp me?
Marshall: let me check it

Marshall took the toy and looks around it how to use it. The toy is like a normal race car, and since it's a toy car that goes "really fast", Marshall tried to pull it backwards on the floor, and once he let go of it, the toy car went really fast.

Chase: Wow! :D  (giggles) how chu did dat? :3
Marshall: (gets the toy car) just wind it up on the floor like this (pulls the toy car while the wheels are on the floor), and then let it go.

The toy car then went to Zuma who was playing with his other toy, which he doesn't know how to use it too.

Marshall: looks like Zuma needs some help too
Chase: fankiesh Mawshy! ^w^ (hugs)
Marshall: Awwhhh, you're welcome Chase

Marshall then walked to Zuma, and asked him if he needs some help.

Marshall: hey Zuma, need some help?
Zuma: how does dis wowk? :C

Zuma showed Marshall the toy, and Marshall takes a look at it. It looks like a toy radio with buttons in it. It didn't do a thing when Marshall pressed a button. He checked the battery socket to see if it was the problem.

Marshall: this just needs some batteries, Zuma :) I'll be back

Marshall stood up and took some batteries in a drawer. He took 2 batteries and puts it in the toy radio. He went back to Zuma,and with a press of the button, it played a song.

Zuma: woah! Chu ish amazing Mawshy! :3
Chase: Hey! Onwy me gets to caww him Mawshy! >:C
Zuma: nuh uh! Me gets to caww him Mawshy too!
Chase: nu chu dont!
Zuma: yes me do!
Chase: Chu don't!
Zuma: me do!
Chase: Chu don't!
Zuma: ME DO! >:C
Marshall: woah woah woah! Calm down pups. No need to fight. Both of you can call me "Marshy", ok? 😊
Chase: hmm.. okie. Sowwy fow being meanie, Zuma... 🥺
Zuma: ish okie Chase. Me fowgive Chu ^w^ (hugs Chase)
Chase: (hugs back)

Marshall (mind): geez. I do act like a daddy right now 🙃

Minutes later, Nick called the pups for dinner, and everyone sat on the table, with Chase and Zuma sitting next to each other. The others get to have noodles while Chase and Zuma have their bottles of milk, but they also have a small bowl of noodles too. They started eating their dinner for about half an hour. After that, the pups placed their bowls on the sink and went upstairs.

Zuma was having trouble putting his bottle on the sink, so Chase helped him.

Nick: alright, now time to wash up 😊 Marshall, take these two to the tub for their wash up, and for their bedtime.
Marshall: ok dad! C'mon pups, let's get you cleaned.

Marshall then takes Chase and Zuma to the bathroom. They both removed their clothes and soiled diapers, and the two of them went in the tub. Marshall opened the water tap to fill the tub. He also put some soap powder in the rub for bubbles, and some of Chase's bath toys.

The two then had fun while washing up. Minutes later, Marshall dried the two and takes them to their room to diaper them up and dress them up. After dressing up, Chase and Zuma hopped in their bed and tucks themselves in their blanket.

Marshall: wanna hear a bedtime story pups?
Chase: mmm...
Zuma: we wan dada fow stowies
Marshall: oh, um, alright. Let me just call him.

Marshall went downstairs to call Nick because the pups wanted him to tell them a bedtime story. Nick went upstairs as soon as he was done doing the dishes, and went inside the room. Nick sat down on the bed and began telling a bedtime story.

Minutes later, Nick ended the story with the two already sleeping. Nick gave them a kiss on the forehead, and left the room.

Nick: So, you'll be daddy for a day tomorrow 😏 ready for it?
Marshall: as ready as a responsible pup! >:3
Nick: (chuckles) now go wash yourself up, and it's time for bed.

Marshall then went to the bathroom to wash himself up, while Nick does some more stuff downstairs.

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