chapter 11

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Jungkook's pov

I sat on the ground with her in my arms.
She was crying in my arms, her hands tightly holding my waist, with her every sobs i felt my heart break little by little. Her small sobs turned loud as her body shook against mine, but I held her close to me without saying anything. I let her emotions flow down her cheeks and soon her sobs turned into sniffles but i didn't let her go. We both stayed like that, feeling her in my arms gave me such a feeling of peace which i wonder why, but it felt nice.
I slowly pulled away, cupping her face , gazing at her with soft eyes,
My eyes looked into her which was slightly red from the crying she did, her lashes wet from tears and nose red with tears stained cheeks.
The back of hands softly grazed her cheeks wiping the unfallen tears while she looked at me, blinking her doe eyes cutely. She sniffed again her eyes went to my shirt, drenched with her tears and her cheeks turned red. A chuckle almost left my mouth but i controlled it, and tucked her hair strand away with her still in my lap.

Dear lord save me, something is definitely wrong with me

Feeling better?” i asked her and she nodded her head softly muttering “Thank you.. and sorry for your shirt”.

I don't mind wasting thousands of my shirt for you Mia cara” Hearing me, her head shot up looking at me with her big eyes and red cheeks making me want to kiss- no wtf, wtf am i thinking.

Both of us cleared our throat “I want you to know that what happened was not your fault, if anything you saved her, Ruby is alive because of you, because you fought those men and saved her, so don't let other thoughts fill you up and blind you away from the truth, yes?” i said and she nodded her head

Words love, I need words” i leaned forward caressing her cheeks, whispering in her ears and watched her shiver making me smirk as satisfaction filled me. “Yes” she mummered timidly.

Everyone is missing you especially David, even through he is working his mind is at you and I know it's distributing him that you are being so distant, everyone loves your bubbly side,the mansion look so quiet without you, so please don't do it, don't distance yourself from us” I don't know what am I saying and why my hands are caressing her cheeks
her cheeks are so soft- no get a grip Jeon.

Her cheeks turned pink as she blinked and looked at him and i knew from the look in her eyes she was coming back, “Is it your way to tell me, you missed me, kooko?” said her blinking up at me cutely.

“Why don't you like the name-”
“Do Not”

I watched as threw her head back laughing, her angelic giggles filled the room as relief flowed through my veins. But as soon as laughter came it faded away. She looked down at the, still on my lap.
But i don't want any of you getting hurt because of me” she said, her voice slow and gentle. I cupped her cheeks “Look up” I said and slowly she lifter her gaze to mine. “Baby, I am the most deadliest and ruthless man for a reason, they won't get a second chance to hurt people I care about. I won't let them hurt anyone“ i said sincerely, it was true just because they got past my security once doesn't mean they will do it all the time.
I know, but they were not here for you, they were here-"

For you, I know"  i said and her eyes widened.

You won't ask me anything?” she asked caution and I shook my head

I am willing to wait for you to get comfortable and tell me everything yourself” i said and her eyes watered

Why” she muttered slowly, and i shrugged, i don't even know myself why I am so patient with her and why i want to rip anything that made her cry.

I don't know, David seems to trust you so” that was the dumbest thing to say i know. She released a breath mumbling a small thank you before dropping her head in my chest. Her arms held my torso tightly and i stiffined a little before slowly wrapping my arms around her and pulling her more in my chest. Her hit breath fanned the exposed area of my chest as i felt her heavy breathing slowly turning into normal one.

It was a moment so peaceful. I've never felt so at peace before. Me leaning against a wall in my office and her wrapped up in my arms, she probably fell asleep, her relaxed breathing and posture indicates it. Placing a small kiss to her head i nuzzled my face into her hair inhaling her sweet vanilla smell.
Is it bad I don't want this to end and hold her forever in my arms like this.

Oh god there is seriously something wrong with me, but i don't seem to be Caring about it.

Rose's pov

I woke up wrapped in the fluffiest pillow and blanket, it smelled so good,
Like spice and winter and Rain, like jungkook- wait. My eyes shot up and I sat up straight. This isn't my room, I am in his room. I wrapped the blanked up to my neck and took a sniff of his scent. My cheeks turned red remembering out earlier contraction in his office. My heart started beating fast and my stomach did things i didn't like. I bite my lips remembering how softly he held me-

Oh god stop- he has a fiance for fucks sake y/n get a grip.

I sighed leaning on the headboard and stared at the ceiling. I have to tell him the truth, I can't break his trust. Everyone here treat me like a family. I can't betray them I can't loose their trust. Yes i will tell him everything-

i see you are awake” my head turned to Jungkook who came out of the showe freshly showered, water dripping from his hair to his naked chest. Oh god-  I knew my face was looking similar to a tomato as I turned my head away covering my eyes.

Why are you NAKED" i practically yelled. And i can picture him looking down innocently “I am not naked? I am wearing pants” he said casually like it was not a big deal.
why are you not wearing a shirt? Go wear something" i said my eyes still closed.

Why are my abs too much for you to handle?”

Its an eyesore”. It's breathtaking.

Whatever helps you sleep at night” .

After a few minutes of silence he said “Open your eyes”. Assuming he has dropped a shirt i opened my eyes and turned my head to look at him, only to find his face so close to mine, he was so close, his hot minty breath fanned my face as he kept his gazed locked at my lips and then to my eyes. And he slowly, almost teasingly forwarded his hands to my side grabbing the t-shirt that was resting beside me. He smirked wearing his t-shirt walking backwards. “Let's go, dinner is ready” he said walking out of the room leaving me there hot and bothered. what is wrong with him.

I floped against the bed fanning myself and taking some deep breath to calm myself. Just as I was about to stand up i saw him leaning against the wall staring at me with a smirk “Or would you prefer sleeping in my bed” he said with a wink. My eyes widened and I threw a pillow at his way to which he laughed throwing his head back.

He shook his head and forwarded his hands “C'mon let's go” he said with a small smile. I looked at him and then his forwarded hand and slowly I placed my hands in his warms one. His hands are warm it's so nice.

His hands fit perfectly in mine, wish I could hold it a little more...

To be continued

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