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A Change In The Air

"She's the one that hit him with her car."

"Okay, yeah, I did. But she tazed him!"

"That I did."


It was not uncommon for Heimdall to have the young princess as a visitor. She came by frequently, checking in on the gatekeeper. 

But today she was checking in on something specific. 


The all-seeing Asgardian saw her approach. "I know what you are seeking."

Y/N paused in the doorway of the Bifrost. "So you can help me see him, right?"

Heimdall turned to look at her. "I can. But are you sure this is what you seek?"

She hesitated for a split second before nodding her head. "I am. Can you lend me your eyes, Heimdall?"

"Of course, my princess."


Y/N opened her eyes, but she was no longer standing on Asgard. She was in a strange building, filled with people in monochromatic outfits wearing some sort of masks. But soon after getting dropped in the middle of that chaos, she heard a shout from one of the rooms. 

It was unmistakably Thor. 


Y/N found the room just in time to see her brother's face smashed against a glass window has he slid down and eventually dropped out of sight. Amused, she watched as they threw him on a bed and transported him to another room in the building. 

"Uh, Thor, I think his name was?"

Y/N whirled around, shocked that she heard his name from someone else. 

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but without a relation, I can't have you checking him out. Especially without an ID for him."

The woman who mentioned his name groaned and set her head on the counter. "I understand."

She, along with a man and another woman left. Curious, Y/N followed. 

As she watched, they all climbed into a vehicle, where the woman once again hung her head. Creeping closer, she could hear their conversation. 

"Ugh, I just lost my best lead! And all those agents took my stuff, so I can't use those anymore."

The man spoke up. "Jane, we will figure something out. Something like him will come around in some sort of way, you'll see."

The other woman nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, like your ex-boyfriend!"

Jane laughed, and started moving the vehicle backwards, before coming to an urgent stop. Y/N heard a loud thud and ran to the back to see what it was. 

Thor. That idiot has managed to get himself in so many situations he shouldn't be in. 


When Y/N opened her eyes once more, she was once again on Asgard, Heimdall in front of her. "Are you satisfied?"

Y/N nodded gratefully. "Yes. Thank you for your service, Heimdall."

Heimdall bowed, Y/N returning the gesture before heading back to the palace.

Despite everything that had happened between them, she was happy to see her brother.. somewhat safe. 

As she walked on the Bifrost Bridge, she noticed the wind picking up. She frowned. Air is an element, and she knew that she wasn't the one causing it. 

However, she shook it off and blamed it on the fact that she just had heightened emotions from seeing Thor.. so maybe she was the cause of the sudden elemental spike. 

But that didn't stop her from breaking into a sprint to get off the bridge. 

Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now