Time to bond over more coffee

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Several weeks went by and life went on in Japan as normal. School had started up again for the year and kids could be seen travelling to and from school.  In all honesty, Reze envied those people who attended school in the formative years of their lives.  She'd never gone to school, all she had as an education was what her trainers had taught her back in Russia.  The rest she'd had to learn herself on her missions.  Now that she was free, she'd take any opportunity available to learn something new.  She kept a little notebook on her to to write down anything interesting things she learned in her new life in Japan.  She had just started reading a new novel that had been recently published by a rising author that had already written several bestsellers.  As she continued to read, she wrote down any words or phrases that interested her.  Her attention was averted by the sound of the bell ringing, signalling that a customer had entered the cafe and it was time for her to get off her butt.

She was pleasantly surprised when she saw a familiar face enter the shop, Aizawa.  This time, however, he was wearing his hero costume.  It consisted of a baggy black long-sleeved shirt and matching trousers tucked into his boots.  He was also wearing a utility belt and his signature wrap scarf.
"Nice of you to come back" Reze greeted when he noticed her.
"Black with two sugars" he ordered, getting straight to the point.


"What are you doing?" He asked, noticing what she was doing as he took sips of his coffee.
"I'm writing down any words or phrases I find interesting or I haven't seen before." She explained before writing down another word she'd never seen before in her notebook, when she looked up again she could see Aizawa had the look that he wanted to ask a question.
"What do want to ask?" She asked, prompting him to bring his question into the light.
"Is Japanese not your first language?" He asked.
"No it's not" she answered honestly "I like to write down anything new words I learn in here.  Reading books is a good way of finding them"
"I can see other things written in there" he commented as he learned over to get a closer look.
"Yeah, I put all sorts of things in here.  I love learning new things since I never went to school."
"You never went to school?!" He exclaimed in shock.

There was a few minutes of silence as the man took some time to think and drink some more coffee before it went cold.
"That's pretty bad, really..." he said, his voice had become noticeably softer "you should be experiencing school life, learning things and making friends like most kids your age."
"Well given my situation, I honestly doubt I'd be able to get enrolled into a high school" she answered sadly "besides, most kids get enrolled at schools to learn how to be heroes and I don't want to do that, I rather be free and unfettered."
"I teach first years in the hero course at UA" he said after thinking about what the girl had said, it seemed to him that she'd had a difficult past.
"I know that" she said causing him, to look up in surprise "... I know who you are, Eraserhead"
"Lots of exciting things have happen at UA, take that villain attack for example" she mentioned,
"I was there, I was injured so bad I ended being called 'mummy man' by Mic" he said bitterly,
"Is that where your scar came from? Reze asked, she'd noticed it when he came in
"I saw them at the sports festival on TV, those first years have pretty strong quirks, I'll admit.  I have a quirk that would easily allow me to get a place in the hero course." She said
"Oh really?"
"Really, really.  So what's happening right now with your class?"
"They've taken internships with pros for two weeks and now they're preparing for the end of term exam.  If they pass, they'll get to go to the summer training camp." Aizawa recalled before a sadistic smirk appeared on his face "...or they'll be stuck in summer school hell!"
"Oooh" Reze exclaimed playfully.

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