Arranging flowers in milk bottles

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"You're leaving a tip for the barista?  It's not a restaurant!"
"Dude, they make minimum wage.  How many cups of coffee do you think they make in an hour?  And for what?  A pocket-money wage?  If you can afford to drink coffee out you can afford to tip."
The noise of those two guys arguing back and forth faded as they exited the cafe and strode off into the distance.  Reze continued with her business of making the journey to table four to deliver a glass of chilled water.  The runner who was occupying said table all but snatched it off the tray and began chugging the cold liquid down.  The fact that anyone had found a good enough reason to go running until they felt like their heart was going to break out of their chest in this heat was beyond her.  Letting out a groan, she wiped the sweat from her brow and made her way back to the counter to transport yet another tray of food and refreshments to whichever table. 
Sure enough, the summer season had arrived in all its glory.  Sun, insects, blistering heat and all.  Reze had spent the morning helping the owner dress the place up for the season; which meant arranging sunflowers in milk bottles on the tables and windowsills.  Just in time too - they were soon bombarded with a tsunami of customers a couple of hours later.  Compared to the amount of people that normally came and went, this the equivalent of a platoon of soldiers. 
All hungry, thirsty and impatient.

Having to pull her weight more than usually required, Reze was extremely glad she'd chosen to wear a simple tank top and shorts.  She would have overheated of any more skin was covered.
'This must be what classroom is like before the school day begins...'
Students were on the summer break, they were probably letting loose and mucking about like normal adolescents did.  Reze herself had never experienced such interactions with people her age so she had to gauge by observing the people around her, mainly the ones she saw going to and from school through the window.
Occasionally, some would enter cafe itself and she would get a rare chance to have a chinwag with kids her own age.
Such occasions were too rare, unfortunately.
Her shoulders began to feel heavier as if a force had begun pressing down on them, the air feeling more sticky and smelling more of sweat than before.
Shaking her head, she dispelled those thoughts and brought her attention back to the here and now. That was bringing an orange juice and pain au chocolate, accompanied by the option of butter or jam, to table number twelve. It's occupant was a rather mean-looking woman who was dressed in a white blouse, matching grey jacket and pencil skirt and tan tights that hugged her big, beefy frame a bit too tightly to be considered comfortable. Reze guessed that she didn't have the healthiest diet; she was unable help the smirk that suddenly appeared at the thought. Said smirk quickly vanished when the woman eyed her with narrow, piggy eyes when she noticed her approaching the table. The disdainful look of her large purple face said it all.

"What are you smirking at, girl?" She snapped as Reze began placing the tray's contents in front of her.
"Something funny, what do you think?" Reze replied sarcastically. The beefy woman's brow furrowed, small eyes narrowing even further.
"What you mean "what do you think?" in that ungrateful tone?" She hissed, face turning a deeper shade of purple at the waitress's defiant tone. "Your very lucky to even have job. When will they learn, that kids shouldn't be wasting their time trying to become comic book characters?"
Reze felt a vein begin to pop in her head, woman's abrasive voice was beginning to grate her ears. She watched as the woman dumped a slop of jam on her pain au chocolate and began shoving the flaking pastry into her mouth.
"What? Do you think I look stupid?" She asked, looking back at Reze once she noticed that she was still here. She was sporting a small grin on her face at the bit of jam stuck on her upper lip.
"Nope!" She said, popping the 'P' as she walked away and back to the counter as the owner called her over. She decided to get revenge by letting the beefy woman look stupid for a little longer.

The rest of the day continued like this right into the end of Reze's shift in the late afternoon. During the uneventful routine of delivering orders to this or that table and back again, she found her thoughts drifting to the black-haired Pro Hero. Even though he didn't show up often, his absence still felt quite weird.
What was he up to on this Training Camp with his students?
Putting them through gruelling and tiring training...
She figured that his class consisted of people that were hard to work with - judging by how much he groaned about them in their conversations. A chuckle escaped her lips when she realised they really were in for hell.
Well, at least they were sharing it together...
Reze's expression turned into a frown. She really did envy them, they got to make friends, joke together, grin together, argue with each other and groan together.
She really wished she had the chance to go to school.


Tying the laces on her trainers, Reze rose to her feet and made her way towards the front door. She had realised a few days ago that she didn't have enough clothes that were appropriate for summer, that meant only one thing - a trip to the shopping store. A feeling of excitement spread through her, she'd never done this sort of thing before - well, she'd been inside shopping stores before but had never actually shopped for anything other than food - and she fully planned to savour it.
"Alright, time to go." Reze said to herself, readjusting her brown backpack over her short-sleeved, white, button up shirt that had been worn with dark blue denim shorts and white socks. Locking the door of her apartment behind her, she made her way down the stairs - sliding down the last set for fun - and towards the bus stop. She patiently too the bus into the city centre. While cities may change over time, there we're some things that never changed about public transport. It was always crowed, always slightly ominous and always smelled. She glanced around her; the one thing that always changed in the bus, it was the people. A few are regulars, sure, but it was quite ordinary these days to see people with wings and horns. When the bus eventually pulled in, she filtered out, seemingly boring against the see of people with purple skin and and physical mutations.


Reze found herself wandering from store to store with a small smile, happy that this was her first outing where should could indulge herself a bit. She'd never been able to spend significant amounts of time on shopping but she had gotten into clothing and fashion recently, so she found her time in the store quite enjoyable. Her emerald green eyes lit up each time she found something that caught her eye - it was anything and everything. Reze couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement, finding out why this or that clothing was special. She had even bought some other accessories, such as new key chain. It must have been a few hours since she started shopping but it only felt like a few minutes had gone by. She had lost herself in the shopping spree and she wouldn't want it any other way.
She finally had the freedom to do whatever she wanted.
Why waste it?
It was fun buying stuff for pleasure and Reze wanted to experience it more, so she made sure to plan more outings in the future after her shift at Shirakawa Cream. It started to get late though and the shops would close soon, so she decided she'd call it a day and head home.
As she headed back, Reze felt a sweet, warm and fuzzy feeling deep in her chest.
The freedom was sweeter than the desserts she brought to the customer at the cafe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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