Chapter Four - Bewitch Me

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Mattheo wanted to believe he could handle whatever Emma threw at him, wanted to believe that he didn't care as much as his heart was screaming at him. He could get over this silly crush on Emma Potter. He tried to convince himself it was just the chase of wanting a girl who clearly didn't want him. At least that's what he kept telling himself all night and morning until he saw her. She looked stunning, her Raven black hair was pulled back in a low bun. Her white button up shirt was unbutton low and her tie was pulled down loosely. Her and Pans were talking across from him, she looked happy.

A hand snaked around her shoulders as a tall boy gave her a side hug. Mattheo felt the awful pang of jealously at the pit of his stomach when he realized it was Rolf Scamander. He still couldn't believe that Scamander was the boy that had grabbed Emma's attention. What did he have that Mattheo didn't? Probably a nice personality. One that didn't feel the need to call her by a nickname that clearly hurt her. He thought to himself. He watched as Pansy took off somewhere else leaving the two of them alone. He could feel his jaw ticking as he watched them. He knew he was being a creep, knew watching them was only going to hurt him more but he couldn't look away.

There it was the nose scrunching, head tilting laugh and she gave it to him, to Scamander. Mattheo hated watching her give another boy the laugh he found mesmerizing, to give it to another guy so freely. Scamander was talking just as animated as she does. The jealousy was becoming a wave of rage as he continued watching her laugh at whatever he says. Her hand touched his arm as Scamander blushed.

It was like Emma could feel his eyes on her because suddenly she looked over his shoulder her light green eyes meeting Mattheo's brown ones. Her eyes slanted into a glare at him, Scamander could see the change in her demeanor as he turns to look behind him. It doesn't faze him that Mattheo was giving him a death glare, in fact it didn't even rattle him, he waves a hello to the angry boy before Emma grabs his arm and pulls him away from Mattheo's stare.

It wasn't enough to watch every guy in this school drool after her but now he has to watch her actively flirt with a boy who didn't care that Mattheo was going to kill him.

Emma was shocked that Rolf didn't seem worried about Mattheo's death stare. In fact she was completely and pleasantly surprised to see him wave over to the angry boy. She knew Mattheo was going to be pissed about that and she would no doubt hear about it in potions today. She quickly pulled Rolf away not wanting Mattheo to infect whatever this budding romance might be, if it even was going to be. Rolf had a way of keeping her mind off the dark lord's son. He was funny, and he knew a lot about magical creatures. He was fascinating and he had this boyish charm about him that Emma really seemed to like.

He was different, and she desperately needed different.

"I can walk you to class" he offers as Emma keeps her hand in his arm. Rolf liked the warm smile she offered him.

Her smile was radiant like a summer day out by the black lake. It was oddly weird and nice to have a girl look at him the way she does. Rolf always had his mind on one thing and one thing only, magical creatures. He never gave much thought to dating, never in a million years did he think that a girl like Emma Potter would give him the time of day. He's seen the way the other boys in school look at her, he felt kind of sad for Emma having to deal with that many stares a day. He liked being invisible and something tells him he thinks she would like to be invisible too.

"I've never seen a niffler in person." she muses as Rolf smiles warmly at her.

"They are quiet adorable little thief's." he tells her, she laughs as her nose scrunches. Rolf quickly noted that anything she found really funny made her nose scrunch, he thought it was cute. "My granddad has a niffler, he's a character. Maybe you can meet them both one day." he offers her nervously.

War, Love, and Riddle //Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now