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I was sitting on the Hogwarts express like usual with the group, talking and laughing when out of nowhere Enzo woke from his nap. 'are we almost there?' he said in an almost annoyed tone. Pansy answered, 'Yes Enzo, if you look outside you can already see the castle' she said as she gave him a flick on the back of his head. Everyone giggled a little except Enzo, he seemed offended.

'I have absolutely no interest in the first year sorting, its always the same, kids of death eaters in Slytherin and the good guys in Gryffindor. the rest of the kids can basically choose.' Draco spat out. 'Oh well thats just nice of you dray' I say in a sarcastic tone witch made Draco apologize almost immediately. Considering i wasn't a death eater's child yet I was a Slytherin.

when the train stopped at its destination and the doors opened you could already hear Hagrid yelling to get all the first years into his direction. When everyone of out group had already left the train I was still getting my stuff and putting it away in a backpack, the only one there was Mattheo.

I had to admit, he was out of everyone my BEST friend no question. but I couldn't deny I did have a small teeny crush on him. the only one who knows is of course pansy but she promised to keep her mouth shut. its gonna blow over, right??

anyway me and Mattheo were getting our stuff when out of suddenly he spoke. 'so pansy talked to me today...she told me a few things.' I immediately stop gathering my stuff and look at him, my heart pounding in my chest with a mix of fear and possibly pansy-relatedfrustration. all my mind was thinking about was something between the lines of: "THAT LITTLE FUCKER" and "ISTG IMMA KILL PANSY" but I played it cool and smiled innocently and kept getting my stuff.

 'oh yea? like what?' I asked trying to stay cool. If she told Mattheo I was going to Avada kedavra her ass.

Mattheo spoke, 'yea she gave me these super cool spells, she said you made them over summer with Fred and George.' My heart started beating normally again, I let out a sigh of relief. Mattheo got confused 

'what else could she have told me?' he asked curiously. 'oh nothing, dont worry 'bout it' I said as I got my finally packed bag and left the compartment with him following behind me closely.

When everyone was finished getting their stuff off the train we all walked to the castle and straight into the great hall, when Theo quite rudely interuppted my thoughts of how much dumbledores beard grew over summer. (btw right on the money it grew 4 inches) with a not su happy annuncement, he stood infront all of us, his eyes locked on the table with proffessors on the other side of the great hall.

 'guys...we forgot to put on our robes.' 'SHIT!!!' echoed through the hall after a moment of silent realisation. Ooopsieeess

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us standing in the entrance of the hall, especially the professors took a look at the sudden scream.

 'MISTER ZABINI' the entirety of the great hall looked at the front of the hall where dumbledore stood. 'SHOW SOME RESPECT. the fact you forgot your robes was already unacceptable now you disrupt the silence? detention tomorrow after classes.'

Blaise looked mad as all of us laughed softly but that didnt last long as dumbledore once again spoke. 'for all of you, mister Zabini was not the only one without a robe, as i can see?' only then Blaise let ut a small laugh. I smacked the back of his head, making him stop laughing and keep a straight face. SERIOUSLY WE HAVE DETENTION?! WE GOT HERE 30 MINUTES AGO PLS.

All of us went to our table and sat there with sour faces, all of us glaring at anyone trying to join our groups convo. 'bro seriously Blaise? you felt the need to yell like that?' Draco glared, i didnt blame him it was quite shitty 

'yeah bro if you didnt say anything he probably wouldnt have noticed', i added, Pansy, beig the NO.1 Blaise supporter she joined in 'he so would have' 'nu-uh' i argue back. 'yu-uh' pansy kept pushing. 



'god will you shut up i have a headache', theo banged his head on the table, making e and pansy laugh

'the point is,' i added after a bit, 'the  mans too old to see straight. so next time Blaise shut up, with kindness.' Blaise rolled his eyes.

Dumbledore cut off our conversation by announcing our new DADA professor, professor R.J Lupin. My dad was in Gryffindor with him, same year. When I was little I knew him well. So I already knew we would get along, plus DADA is my fav subject.

Meanwhile the group was talking again and then Mattheo caught my attention, he was staring at this Hufflepuff girl at the table behind us. I look behind me and then back to him. "Someone has a little crush?" "WHA- no!" (the clearest form of denial if you ask me like seriously Mattheo ATLEAST try to hide it) "thats a clear yes" Theo said as he pushed Matteo's arm. "okokok maybe I have a little crush on her."

 We all laughed and teased him, Enzo picked up a strawberry and chucked it at the girls head to get her attention. 

'hey stop that' Mattheo pulled enzo back in his seat before he bombarded the poor girl with yet another strawberry to the head, while Mattheo gave a cheeky 'im sorry' smile to the girl wich made her giggle.

After dinner we all went to our dorms. Everyone has separate dorms but since Mattheo has a lot of nightmares he usually sleeps in my bed so I can comfort him. (like I told you were the closest in the entire group) But pansy wanted to have a little sleepover so I went to talk to Mattheo. 

"Pansy wants to have a sleepover so is it okay if you can't sleep in my bed tonight?"  "why do you ask me for permission?"(dont act innocent Mattheo idk ur middle name riddle) "you know because your nightmares and stuff' 'Ohh yea no its no problem mi amor." he winked before walking away.

when we arrived at the dorms pansy put her backpack in her room then plopped on my bed next to me. 'So...,' pansy started, 'What was that about?' I kind of panicked ngl 'uhhh what?' 'oh dont act all innocent you were so jealous when Mattheo said he has a crush on that girl' {WHATTT nooooo!! you were jealous!!} was my first thought of response but that obviously didnt make sense so I played it cool, actually not cool at all but whatever. 

'It just caught me off guard how mister "i don't do no girlfriends" (his words not mine) had a crush on a hufflepuff. A HUFFLEPUFF'

'Nooo you were soo jealous, you dont have to hide it' she laughed as she said that. 'fine ok? but still he doesn't feel the same soo it doesn't matter" 'yea you can just go death stare everyone who wants Mattheo' pansy istg i will Avada kedavra your ass.

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