October 12th

Just over a month ago me and Mattheo almost kissed, atleast, that's what i think happened.

I've been avoiding him every time i can, but given our friendgroup situation it's kind of hard to do that. Since Halloween was close, we all discussed a party plan, if anyones planning any parties, costumes, ect.... so some things kept my mind off of all the little pshyco disasters in my life. yay!

We were in class when suddenly a piece of crumbled up paper hit my head. It came from Mattheo even though he sits right next to me he felt the sudden strong need to throw it. When I opened it the paper read 'why wont you talk to me?' 

I looked at mattheo and then at professor Lupin, who not even looking, just happily teaching. I wish i could have as less worries as Lupin. i wrote on the piece of paper with my godawful left-handed writing: 'I'm talking to you now, aren't i?', and gave it to Mattheo. he seemed upset with the response but didnt argue further.

Later that night in the common room we were all sitting around  the fireplace, mostly roasting eachother but we were planning on some costume ideas, 'im going as wonka and Theo and Enzo as my oompa-loompa's', pansy said, seeming hapy but Theo and Enzo seemed annoyed, but they knew they didnt want to argue with pansy.

'im going as batman and Blaise is going as spiderman', Mattheo stated so-what proudly before looking at me and draco.

 'What are you guys dressing up as?'

 it caught everyones attention when draco sounded quite happy about his idea: 'Y/N's going as Barbie-' 'because he payed me to' i interrupted draco. 'because i paid her to,' draco admitted, 'but im going as ken so were the matching iconic duo'

everyone rolled their eyes jokingly and went on with the usual conversations. 'I'm gonna go get some drinks, you guys want any?' i asked, standing up from the black leather cough, straightning out my blue jeans. 

'gimme some ice tea' draco tilted his head up to look at me, since he was sitting down next to me before i stood up.

'make that two' pansy chimed in from the couch infront of me.

'just get some for the whole group' Theo said, laying flat on the floor next to the little coffee table inbetween the two facing couches.

'kay, brb' i walked towards the kitchen and when i entered, went to the fridge but stopped in my tracks hearing a familiar voice behind me: 'Hey...', i turned around to see exactly who my brain shot to when i heard the voice. 'Hi Mattheo' i said, grabbing the icetea's and putting them on the counter.

'can we talk?' he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest and he was bringing out those dammed puppy eyes?

'we're talking right now, aren't we?'

'don't pull that bullshit again' he sounded really serious but he had a soft smile in his face.

'okay well, then talk' i leaned my back against the kitchen counter, arms over my chest because i fear i looked pretty awkward if i kept standing there like a little stickman for much longer. 'I don't know why you've been ignoring me for almost a month now but it's slowly starting to get a bit...unbearable.'

 I chuckled slightly but quickly got serious again. 'I schould be sorry, it's just since what happened in the great hall during that first detention-', Mattheo cut me off: 'What happened during the first detention?'

(quick note, yes i said 'first', trust me in that month we had a good 2 detentions a week)

my face got red, if it was as red as it felt then i might just have exploded right there. 'When we were talking about that hufflepuff girl,'

'Ohh the advice you gave me? Yeah thank you by the way i wanted to tell you but you kept ignoring me but...the girl agreed to go out with me after i pretended not to care like you said-'

'okay i didn't tell you to pretend to not car- wait, she went out with you?'

'yes' he smiled brightly.


'yes...is that so hard to believe?' he raised an eyebrow, sounding pretty offended

'You're voldemort's son! How on earth did you get a hufflepuff to go out with you?' 

'You told me that it doens't matter who"s son i am!'

'Well i obviously lied!', i stopped in my tracks after i realised what i said, 'I'm sorr-'

'Save it, i wonder why we ever became friends.' he stood up straight with a hurt and hatefull look before walking off, before u could go after him Blaise came into the room. 'Dude we've been waiting for our drinks for 5 minutes now.' 

he took the drinks and waited for me to follow, i followed him out but realised the group was looking at Mattheo and asking him what's wrong since he looked really mad and hurt.

 I decided i schouldn't go sit there or it would get worse, so i took a sharp left towards the stairs to the girl's dorm rooms, pansy seeing me walk off she followed behind me.

'Y/N hey what happened?' she grabbed my  schoulder before i could enter my room. 'I'm a horrible friend that happened.' 'What do you mean?' she sounded concerned. I pulled her into my dorm room and practicly threw her into my bed.

'okay so,' i started pacing while she waited for this catastrophical lore i was about to drop, 'Mattheo thought he did something wrong to make me ignore him and i brought up the whole detention thing and i guess we didn't "almost kiss" because he didnt even remember how close we were but he brought up the "advice" i gave him that i didnt actually give him but i guess he heard it that way? i dont know-'

'Breathe girl' pansy interrupted my rambling, it actually helped 'cause i was almost out of breath. 'Yeah, sorry so basically he throught i told him to pretend he didn't care about the girl, wich i didn't say at all, and the girl agreed to go out with him-' 

'She agreed?

'yes, but that's not the worst part'

'oh god'

'yeah.. so i asked him how he could possibly get a hufflepuff girl to go out with voldemort's son and i guess he got offended-'

'you guess?'

'okay shut up. Sp basically he then was like: "you told me it doesnt matter who's son i am" and i was all like: "yeah well i lied" and he got kind of mad and stormed off-'



pansy sighed, 'Well that's the end of your friendship' 

'Thanks super helpful' i let myself fall onto my bed next to her.

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