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maybe i ask too much
maybe i'm a bit selfish
maybe i need too much
or maybe i am too much...

i't always disponting
she didn't even write a letter
it's not like i expected anything grand
but i know her depth
so i know i'm not in her mind
not like that

it's not the same
the way i think about her
when i prepare something
i put my heart into it

i never feel this
i never feel someone's heart
i used to, sometimes
that's why i feel so hard
but now i realise
that maybe i was just distracted
from the sound of my own
beating a bit too loud

i need more
always more
a connection
it's always lacking

i try to appreciate
and i do really
but i find myself  diving too deep
especially with you

so i should calm down now
i just turned 21, it's about time
the sky is up, the nights are dark
i love my freinds, I'll see them again

and whatever happens
i can always lose myself away
deep in dreams
over there it's always beautiful

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