like déjà vu

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i try to reach it
the me who used to dream
i try to take her hand
but i feel it slip away
it's like grabing a cloud
i can feel a light sensation on my hand
but was it real? or am i imagining it?
or perhaps it is just a memory

the one who used to dream
oh she was so sad
maybe because she dreamed to hard
expected to much
and could already see
far away, there, by the horizon
what was it to come

And her body was weak
oh so weak
unable to move
only to cry
but her mind was away
in an other place
somewhere safe

i don't know where it is now
i don't remember

and i feel different
i am not her anymore

i want to find it again
the path to this home
the way i can't see anymore

i can see clearer now
so clear i don't reconise anything...

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