Chapter 3: Reputations

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I burst out laughing and they all went quiet.
"Oh you guys are funny" i said whilst giggling. That question really had me hysterical. Georg and Gustav looked at each other and Bill just blankly stared at me. My smile never faded so quickly.

"You're being serious" i said in realisation and Bill nodded, "Absolutely not" i snapped back. Georg sighed and said, "i told you she wasn't going to agree to this". 
"Oh whatever" Bill said to Georg and sat himself next to me and just stared at him.
"Syd look, it's for the band's reputation" he said sincerely, as if he wad trying to persuade me. I raised my eyebrows and continued to look at him.
"We're starting to get a bad name because of what he does". i'm not going to lie, i did feel a tiny bit bad for them but there was no way in hell i was going to fake a relationship with Tom, ever.

Tom was a very selfish guy, he never thought about how his actions or decisions affected anyone else. He only ever thought about himself. I was not getting involved with him.

"He means that Tom is with a new girl every day by the way" Gustav said quietly putting his hand up. Georg laughed and Bill turned is head towards him slowly.
"She knows what i mean, Gustav" he said sarcastically before shaking his head and turning back to me, "please Sydney"
"No Bill, I'm sorry but it's not happening" i shook my head, "ask someone else"
"We can't, Sydney please, we really need you to do this" Bill pleaded but i wasn't having it.
"No! why can't you get a random girl or one of the girls he sleeps with" i questioned. It made no sense why it was down to me to get their reputation built up again. He's the one who sleeps around not me.
"That wouldn't work plus we need someone who we trust and we all trust you. We trust you with our lives. Hell, we've known you for years" he said pointing at me, making an attempt to change my mind, as i was about to answer, Gustav interrupted me.

"I mean, it could also help your reputation too" he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. I turned to him giving him a weird look.
"What are you talking about" i said making him  look at Bill and then back to me.
"Well, you are kinda known to be the female version of Tom in a way" he said quietly and my jaw dropped. I was in shock. I scoffed anf leant back into my chair.
"I don't see you for around 5 years or more and the first thing you say to me is that i'm like Tom?" i hissed, "that's a low blow Gustav, really fucking low"
Bill quickly interrupted and tried to make it better.
"No no, what he means is, the internet and magazines believe you go with different boys every week" Bill hit Gustavs arm and turned back to me.

I couldn't believe it. I knew what the magazines and media said about me but to think that they might actually believe it's true? i won't lie, it kinda hurt me a little.
"So you believe it?" i asked, latching onto the little hope i had in believing that they knew it was all lies.
"Of course we don't" Georg's voice spoke up, "which is why we think you're the perfect one for this" he said leaning forward off his chair. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"We know you both can't stand each other but everything that's said about you will die down and both reps will be back to normal". Georg always had a way with words. He knew what to say, how to say it and when to say it.
"And Tom knows about this?" i asked impatiently, placing my head in one of my hands.
"It was his idea!" Gustav said, Bill gave him a look but i shrugged it off.

I looked at them and then thought about what it would be like. I shuddered at the thought. Being in a relationship, fake or not, with one of the many people who repulse me the most made me feel physically sick to my stomach.
"You don't need to talk or be around  each other, you just have to be seen in public looking cosy when you see paparazzi near" Bill said with a hint of hope in his voice. I looked at all three of them and i saw the hope in their eyes. Like as if their life depended on my answer. Tom Kaulitz was a very selfish man in my opinion and if i had no proof of it then, well i do now. He is unconsciously jeopardising his own brother and best friends lives all because he can't keep it in his pants.

"You owe me big time" i said looking and pointing at them, "all of you"
"OH WOW!" Bill squealed, "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" he started jumping up and down. Gustav came over and patted me on the back and thanked me. They all looked happy and relieved to hear me agree to it. I still didn't want to do it. Every bone in my body was telling me to not do it but they're always there for me so i couldn't just leave them in their time of need.

Bill had suggested we go inside to talk to Tom about this. I really hated this idea but if it meant it would help them and maybe me, i guess i just have to go along with it. I walked behind the three of them and Bill walked into one of the rooms, i assumed it was Toms, and stood at the foot of the bed. Boy was his room messy. Clothes, boxers, socks everywhere. After looking at the mess of his room my eyes traveled up the bed and saw this girl sitting on top of him, literally eating his face off. This triggered my gag reflex and i immediately looked away and a shudder of second hand embarrassment went down my spine. How could anyone find this man attractive in the slightest?. The answer to that question was truly beyond me.

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