𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 2: 𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚎?

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{ - After gunning down the man who almost finished off Belle, Simon watched as his best friend charged down the hill they were stationed on, to go help her out. He tried to stop Soap, but he was unsuccessful. Soap had charged in believing that he could get Belle, along with the rest of the stealth team, out of there alive. He did, but he couldn't save himself.

- Simon ran out to try, and retrieve his best friend's body, but was almost gunned down in the process. He sustained injuries that were detrimental to his career. Those injuries being, a stomach held together with staples, spinal issues, hearing problems, and a permanent muscle tear in his Achilles heel.}


Onto the actual chapter 💅:

His alarm went off late.

He'd set it for 4 PM, instead of 4 AM, and the only reason he'd gotten up in just enough time, was because he kept feeling like he was late for something. He didn't even have enough time to eat a proper breakfast, and man...he was starving. Nevertheless, he kept his same, stuck up attitude, and no one really thought anything different of him. Besides, who'd be able to tell the difference in his mannerisms when he was hungry, vs. when he was just being Simon Riley?

No one.

   "So when's the sniper coming?" Gaz quietly asked. "Marksman, son. She'll be here any minute now. No need to worry, she's a good gal, and is easy to get along with." Price said, taking a sip of his coffee. He'd recently gotten into drinking it, and Simon always thought it had something to do Soap's passing. The poor old man just never seemed to sleep nowadays. Sighing, Simon rested his head in his hands. 'He just wanted to go back to his room, hell, why was he even here?' He asked himself.

  However, he didn't even get a chance to answer his own question, before he heard Price nearly leap out of his seat. "Ma'am! It's an honor to meet you." Price said. Hearing the enthusiasm in the old man's voice, Simon figured the woman Price had been talking about nonstop, for the past hour, was finally here. Despite his obvious annoyance, Simon peeked through his gloved fingers to get a good look at her.

   She had a gun slung on each shoulder, and was eye level with Price. She was a tall woman, a pretty one at that. Gawking at his own thoughts, Simon continued to observe the woman, watching as she warmly greeted Gaz, and showed off her guns to him.

It was pissing him off. She was pissing him off.

   Her warmth...he hated it. Already fed up with the woman's voice, he abruptly stood up from his seat. With his gear making his movements seem louder than they actually were, he marched over to where the three people stood in the doorway, stopped, and promptly gave a nod to the foreign woman, before squeezing past her, and leaving the room entirely.

  Once he was out, Simon felt like he could actually breathe again, and so, he rolled up his mask, and took in a deep breath of the cold, dry winter air. Leaning on the rail of the second floor balcony, his mind began to wander. 'Price was definitely going to give to him a scolding after he was done introducing the woman to everyone.' He guessed. However, despite knowing this, he still chose to stay outside, rather then go back, and properly introduce himself. He figured he'd just do that later. Besides, conversing was just too much effort.

   Simon ended up walking back to his private barracks, without getting stopped by anyone. It wasn't like he accomplished anything by escaping back to his room, as he literally had nothing better to do, other than just lay on his couch, and stare up at the bare, white ceiling above him. Against his will, and since he was just idly laying there, he couldn't help but start to think back on the short interaction he did have with that woman. 'She truly was jaw dropping, tch, women like her never last a week without ending up in someone's bed.' Simon thought to himself.

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