𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹: 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝙸𝚍𝚎𝚊..

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(ehehe...haiii i'm not dead, lol. Believe it or not i've been cosplaying! Also, enjoy this short filler chapter. Hopefully it makes sense, and if you need to, go back and re-read the story so that it makes sense. Apologies for the time skips!!)


   With a sinister grin fixed on his face, Simon twisted the doorknob, and let himself back in his room. Making sure to lock his door back, he spun around, and trudged into the kitchen, completely dismissing the fact that there was a literal guest in his living room. He filled up his kettle with water from the tap, and set it down on the stove, before turning the burner on high. Reaching overhead, he got out the rest of his condiments in order to fix his tea.

   "The door ain't this way, love. Tis the other way." He suddenly blurted out, feeling a presence behind him. Upon pointing her out, he heard a loud gasp escape her mouth. "Somethin' else you need?" He asked, feeling himself start to get agrivated. "Yeah, I was just gonna ask where's Price-" She tried to get out, but he cut her off.

   "Left." He said, filling his mug wtih sugar cubes. "What?" The woman questioned. "Said he's left. Did what I say fly over your head or somethin?" He snapped, pausing his menstrations, and trying to keep his anger under control. "Oh, ok. Well, I'm going to take my leave. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Riley." She whispered, before abandoning her spot behind him, and leaving out his front door. The minute he heard the door shut, he slammed both fists down on the counter, nearly knocking his sugar filled cup over.

"FUCK." He screamed. She was pissing him off so goddamn much, it was unbearable.

   What Simon didn't want to admit out loud, nor in his head, was that his heart fluttered when she said his last name, and it ached when she sounded sad.


   The next day was the same as any other one. Simon got up before the sun, took a shower, and made a cup of tea to go. Since his doctor cut his morning jog out, he still had an hour to lounge around his room, before he was set to go to work. He always tried to go back to sleep, but it'd never work, and on the rare occasions that it did, he would always oversleep. So, he did the thing he normally did when he had nothing else better to do. That being, laying down on his couch, and staring up at the ceiling in silence. Yeah, it was pitiful, but at least he'd get to enjoy his peace, as something told him that this would be the only time he'd get it.

   His phone alarm going off alerted him that it was time to go, and so, with a loud groan, he rolled off the couch, and got up to turn it off. Shoving his phone into in a side pocket on his jeans, he grabbed his keys from off the counter, and set out. The halls were empty, and again, out of pure habit, he looked over to Belle's door. He did a small wave, and locked his own, before continuing his trek down the quiet halls.


   When Simon arrived at headquarters, he immediately caught sight of the damn woman, and Price just standing in the lobby, preussumably waiting for him. He really wanted to just turn around, and walk right back out those double doors. However, he didn't even get a chance to act out his thoughts, before he heard Price say his name.


   "SIMON! Come join us will ya?" The old man chuckled, and Simon couldnt help but groan, and throw his head back in pure frustration. "Tch, should've acted sooner." He mumbled under his breath, before aiming his body in the direction of his captain. He purposefully walked as slowly as he could, under the ruse that he was "sore." It didn't do much, besides prolong his fate.

   When he did finally reach the two happy-go-lucky people, Price was quick to pull him into a side hug as he happily chatted away with that woman. At some point, Simon zoned out, and when he came back to, Price was retracting his arm from around his neck, and in the middle of doing a little salute as if he was leaving. Cursing himself for not really paying attention, Simon was quick to ask the old man where he was going. "Laswell's office. Why? You need something?" Price asked.

Simon shook his head 'no.'

   "Alright then, I'll be off. Your objective is to come up with a suitable plan for your upcoming mission. Shouldn't be too hard of a task, hm Simon?" Price said, shooting a sly grin at him, before walking off. Simon, completely annoyed, almost lost it when she- that woman, spoke.

   "Uh...Price gave me two free passes to a nearby bar. He said discussing plans over some morning whiskey could maybe help loosen us up a bit.." She said, in that honey-coated voice of her's. Man he hated it so damn much, but at the same time he loved it. Deciding not to be a pain in the ass for once, Simon kept his thoughts to himself and simply nodded, before heading off in the direction of the car lot. The drive to the bar was pin-drop silent, as neither him, nor the woman dared to say anything to each other. It wasn't like Simon cared anyway. After all, they were only going to be together for a couple of months at most, so what was the purpose of getting to know her like they'd be soulmates or something? He had no interest whatsoever.


Okay...maybe that was a lie.

   Maybe it was the whiskey getting to him, or was his drink spiked? Maybe having a drink this early in the morning wasn't a good idea after all. Simon didn't know, but what he did know was that it was getting harder, and harder to avoid eye contact with her. He found that as she spoke, Simon found himself lost in her eyes.


   Her honey-sickle voice that once used to annoy him, now made him feel like his body was on fire. Why was he feeling like this? Everything felt so hot...and intense, and they were only going over a damn game plan. Had he had too much to drink already? He used to be a really heavy drinker...guess not anymore. As Simon listened to Demi talk- yeah he decided to call her by her actual name, he watched as her beautifully filled lips pecked the edge of her glass, before she gracefully downed the rest of her drink.

   Being that he used to be holed up in his room 24/7 due to his injuries, Simon chalked up his sudden attraction to her as it just being from him not getting out much. He was sure that's all it was, in fact he was so sure, he decided to test out this little theory of his. His new idea was simple really, he'd just butter her up a little too much, maybe even let himself fancy her a little bit, and then carefully walk her back to his bed. Easy peasy. Besides, she seemed dense enough to fall for his kindess anyway. However, doing all of this was going to take time, and Simon knew that, though, he was a very patient man. Who knows, maybe it'd make this new mission go by a lot quicker.

- Demi's POV: (The story will now be led from her perspective, only certain parts will cater to Simon's.)

  Flicking around the zippers to my 511 pants, I couldn't look at him, and whenever I did, it just felt like i was a frog being dissected on an operating table. His gaze was cold, and heavy, that of which someone who's taken countless lives. 'I've done my fair share of killing, but nothing like this guy has ever done. It doesn't even feel like he's looking at me anymore, but rather through me or something.' Clearing both my throat, and my head, I swallowed unnecessarily hard, and took in a deep breath. "So, anything you wanna add to the plan or does it sound good?" You asked, silently cursing yourself for sounding so small.

   "Nah, I love it." He said, and you swear you saw his eyes lift a bit under his mask, maybe signifying that he was smiling. 'Well someone's drunk.' You thought to yourself, before taking small piece of ice into your mouth, and turning your head to look past Simon, and out the nearby window of the bar.

٩()۶ (1487 Words)

//I know, I hate this playboy version of him, and I swear I'm not "Fuck all men" but it's for the plot mayn, its just for the plot. T-T. Also, it's been a while so I'm rusty, but how've you all been?//

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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