Business Plans

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The first few days at court were pleasant, I found comfort and distraction in the gardens and in the pages of my books. Princess Sophia of Bavaria, Maximilian's mother, traveled all the way from Austria to oversee the engagement and wedding plans, leaving no room for negotiation.  She gave direct orders for the whole affair. My dress, the music, the attendees; it was all planned by Sophia. Fortunately, she quickly took a liking to me. Our shared love for classics and theater gave us common ground. She appreciated my gentle and artistic nature, acknowledging my intelligence without finding me overbearing or controlling. In her world, a smart but silent woman was ideal. She had told me that she wished her other son, Emperor Franz Joesph of Austria, would have married a woman like me instead of his unruly wife. Little did she know, Sisi and I had quite a bit in common. Despite the harsh whispers and rumors surrounding her supposed uncontrollable nature, I couldn't help but greatly admire her strength and determination. I hoped one day we could meet.

Unfortunately, the initial contentment at court would soon be ended by the presence of my fiancé.

After not seeing him for days as he dealt with matters of politics and incessant demands from his mother, I enjoyed his absence. His preoccupation during the initial days had granted me some freedom and solitude. I could almost pretend as if the wedding plans were not for my own marriage but for another unfortunate soul. This delusion would soon be broken by my Queen's man, Joesph.

"Isabel, the emperor requests your company for an outing today," My guard and newfound confidant, Joesph, informed me. Joesph quickly became my only confidant at court, outside of my family who still remained. His duty was to follow me around and serve all of my needs. Luckily for him, I was not that arrogant. Instead, we would chat about everything from books to archery. Occasionally, though, in cases such as today, he would remind me of my upcoming wedding and my dreadful fiancé.

"Must I?" I whispered to him, with childlike reluctance and stubbornness. Joseph was unyielding in his loyalty to Maximilian and would not permit me to speak ill of my future husband, constantly reminding me of his duty to the emperor. He cleared his throat with obvious discomfort in my response, "I would advise that you do," while offering a faint smile. Gratitude for Joseph's company and support was juxtaposed with frustration over his loyalty to Maximilian. I longed for someone I could truly confide in. "He would like to meet you in the gardens, perhaps you'll have a pleasurable time."

Despite my own feelings, I took Joesph's advice and readied myself for my outing with the Emperor. Thoughts swirled into my head of what he could truly be like. I must admit, despite my disdain for him, it is true I do not know much about him.

As I stepped into the vibrant garden, my eyes locked on Maximilian, and our past tension returned in an instant. The world around us blurred into shades of gray, and the weight of his presence made each breath an effort. His attire, notably more relaxed than usual, consisted of a button-up shirt and black trousers, with his hair slightly unkempt, strands falling gracefully over his face. The absence of his extravagant attire and excessive guards somehow softened my irritation toward him, allowing a fleeting notion that perhaps his presence could be bearable, even enjoyable. Yearning for him to break the silence, I found myself at a loss for words. It seems that when we were both in one space, the air became too thick to breathe. He, too, appeared to struggle, clearing his throat before speaking.

"Pleasure to see you again, Isabel," he said, his voice polite but shakey.

"The pleasure is mine, Your Majesty," I responded, instinctively curtsying out of habit.

His words abruptly shattered my trance, snapping me back to reality and making me aware that we were completely alone. My eyes widened with unease as I tried to assess the situation and the potential consequences. Being alone with a man I was not yet married to was strictly taboo, even during the engagement period. The mere thought of someone unexpectedly walking in on us filled me with fear, knowing it could lead to scandal and jeopardize my reputation. It would be my future that was at risk. In that instant, Maximilian became a mere blur, and all I could do was anxiously look around to see if anyone was within view, hoping to avoid any compromising situations. Inhaling deeply, I carefully selected my words.

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