Chapter 1

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Raven woke up with a gasp, she didn't remember ever going to sleep or even closing her eyes. Ugh, why does my head hurt so damn bad?

She looked around and noticed that she wasn't at the Tower. There were small desks and chair strewn around. A giant chalkboard was in front of her. The eraser and chalk no where in sight, but on the chalkboard was a picture of four children, merrily stabbing an adult. And the part that was supposed to be blood, seemed to be drawn with actual blood. Well, that's disturbing. Where am I? She stood and cried out, it felt as if her ankle was sprained. What the hell. She sat back down, causing her wallet to fall out her pocket. She picked it up and saw the piece of glass she had chosen from the spell Jinx had wanted to try out. All of this started after they had performed that spell.


"It all started on a rainy day like this. The day when the Heavenly Post High was thought to be heavily cursed."

Raven was telling everyone a scary story, since the storm had cut down the power lines and the generator wasn't working. All that was keeping them light was a candle Raven had in her room. Beast Boy was shaking slightly, already scared of Raven's previous story. Jinx was clutching onto Kid Flash's arm, while Starfire did the same with Robin. Cyborg was laid back with a slight terrified expression.

"What's up with these scary stories?" Jinx asked.

"Don't tell me you're scared." Raven grinned.

Jinx huffed and let go of Kid Flash, "Scared? Why would I be scared of a silly story?"

"Maybe because they're all real?" Raven's grin widened.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Beast Boy accused.

"Maybe a little." She admitted as she stared at him with an amused light in her eyes.

"Friend, please, continue the story of the horror." Starfire said.

"Okay, anyways. The principal of Heavenly Post loved the school and treated it as his own precious little child. But apparently he couldn't allow a single child or teacher talk bad about his school. He saw a teacher curse about the school's policy, when she was at the stairs, he pushed her down. Her neck was cracked and no one knew it was the principal with that nurse's blood on his hands." Raven paused.

"That's not so scary." Beast Boy said letting go of Raven's cloak which he had been using to shield his face.

"But the nurse never knew that she died. She thought she was among the living. Everyday, she would go to her office and work. Then when it's around this time, at seven in the afternoon, she would come to each class and knock three times."

The others suddenly heard a knock on the door. It was three knocks in total. Beast Boy jumped back a little.

Raven acted as if she hadn't heard the three knocks on the door and continued, "Then she would open the door, just a little, and peek inside where the room would be pitch black and she would say, 'Is anyone still here?'"

Just then the candle blew out, causing everyone but Raven to scream.

"Quit screwing with us, Raven!" Robin shouted, actually scared.

"I'm not doing anything!" Raven said as she huddled with the others.

Then the door started to creak open and a head popped in, "Is anyone still here?" a voice asked.

The screams from the girls grew louder as the person stepped inside and a flashlight shone, showing the person to be Aqualad.

"Aqua! What the hell, man?" Cyborg shouted, clutching his mechanical chest.

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