Chapter 7-Angelina

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She pulls herself together and no matter how nerve wrecking looking at him feels, she stands up and says, "I know you are hiding something. And I know this death certificate is also fake", her voice shriek under her trembling tongue.

Ryan holds her wrist tightly and drags her with him outside the room, down the stairs, outside the opened door and towards the back of his house. They walk past the tube-well and halts before a rough surface on the ground with two rectangular stones dug into mud. A lightning reveals two Graves and the thunder following it wobbles Jennifer's knees.

Another lightning reveals the carved names on the headstones of the graves, one is Angelina and the other is Ryan. Both has the same date of death as it was on their death certificates. Jennifer is losing the case along with her mind. She feels numb and the thunders beats her heart like sticks on a drum. She lets out a shaky breath which she is holding longer than she can handle. She turns around and sees Ryan standing firm in his posture. His livelihood is slowly dissapearing in the dark. What she sees now is a horrible dark figure. An intensive nearer lightning shows the creepy smirk on his face, and his eyes sparkle with it. The solid evidences have proved him dead.

But Jennifer is too stubborn to stop just now. She is startled enough but there are still some unsolved questions in the back of her mind probably the ones that are still giving her the strength to look him in the face and cross talk. Everthing she has seen in the man is lively. And the man who replaced his stuff in the night explained alot. Her personal findings and logics refuse the presence of the Graves and the death certificates but is totally opposite to the situation she is presented with. She thinks this all might be some kind of illusion. She feels the soreness on her wrist because of his tight grip on it. This is pretty much the reality She knows what she saw and she is still unwilling to admit that she is wrong. One reason for her confidence is she knows Ryan is harmless. No matter how much she annoys him, he doesn't fight back. She hardly pulls herself together and try to speak confidently.
"If you killed your wife and yourself, and you have no one to look after, then who made these Graves and who documented the certificates officially?", but her shaky trembling voice is barely audible under the loudness of the thunders.

Wind hustles in the environment and the cold breeze shivers her skin along with her shivering legs. Her question fades the smirk on Ryan's face and replaces it with a confused expression. Her question is sensible and he doesn't know the answer. The confusion on his face brings a spark of confidence in Jennifer and adds further, this time a little louder, "And if your soul is wandering here just because you killed yourself then there should be another soul as well.... "
As more and more Ryan gets confused, the more Jennifer builds confidence and start to take steps towards him, "your wife. You killed her. Shouldn't her soul be wandering here along yours?"
Each step closer Jennifer starts to creep Ryan, the dead one, more and more. The wind blows her hair on her face hiding it even more in the cloudy evening. A lightning reveals her face in the dark.
Ryan's orbs bulge out when he sees her. She is not Jennifer. She is Angelina herself. The smirk on her face faints Ryan and he falls on the ground.

The clouds squeeze themselves with a roar of thunder and heavy rain shower starts to drench the whole place.

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