To This Day, I hate Ice Cream

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Sometimes, mistakes are made for the best memories.
And I live by that motto. I remember when I was six, you took me to Coney Island, just like every other Friday morning before school. One day, though, I decided to tell the waitress I wanted ice cream for breakfast, despite the fact that you specifically told me not to, and for that, you made sure you got your revenge on me. When I was served my Sunday, you attempted to take a spoonful, but before you even lifted the utensil from the bowl, it tipped over the edge, and spilled out onto my favorite blue shirt. I cried that day, while you laughed until your side hurt and you were out of breath. Later on, I had changed my shirt and was now late for school. When you tried to apologize to me on the car ride there, I told you I was never eating ice cream again; a promise to which I have kept to this day. If you do recall, I also told you that I hated you. Dad, I never meant that and I want you to know how bad I regret such a sentence. I saw how it affected you; How the smile was so easily wiped from your face. And you were silent the rest of the car ride to school. You knew I didn't mean it, right? I hope you know I didn't mean it, because now I'll never get to tell you face to face, and there is nothing I regret more than that. I love you, dad. To heaven and back.

I signed my name at the bottom of the note, folded the paper, and placed it in a box with all the other letters I've written to my father. I leaned my head back in agony, hot tears threatening to spill at the waterline of my eyes as I thought of my dad. He was taken away from me by cancer at only ten years old. Every once in a while, I write him a letter, a poem, or I draw him a picture of one of our old memories and what I've learned from it. I believe that he's looking down on me from heaven, reading these notes, and although he's not here anymore, this is the only true mechanism that I can use to tell him everything I never got to say.
I glanced at my digital clock and examined the time.
'6:47 a.m.' It read. I have at least three more hours until school.
As soon as I found a suitable outfit to wear, I jog downstairs and pull a sticky note from the counter for my older brother, Jason, and My mother.
"I'm off to Coney Island, I'll get to school on time" I write. Then I slip on my shoes and head out the door.
Coney Island is about a three minute bike ride from where I live, so I arrive there quickly.
"Stella, nice to see you again" says Darcy, my favorite waitress at the Diner. She trotted over to me.
"My, my. You've gotten so tall!" She exclaimed as she pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled.
"How have you been holding up lately?"
"I've been doing well, actually."
"That's good! Very good, let me get you to a table." Darcy grinned, and led me to an empty booth, as I followed close behind.
"Alright, what can I get for you today missy?"
All that was running through my head was 'ice cream, ice cream, ice cream.'
I fought to think of something else- anything else to order, but before I could catch myself, the words "Ice cream Sunday" slipped out of my mouth.
"Really? I remember when you'd come here with your father a while back, he would always tell me to give you, and I quote, 'anything but an ice cream Sunday.'" She informed. I was impressed at how she remembered his comments so well throughout all these years.
"Oh yeah, he did, didn't he. Well I'm willing to give it a shot one more time." 
"Alrighty, whatever you say!" Darcy waddled away excitedly as I pulled out my notebook and set it beside me, waiting for my ice cream.
When the large bowl of vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup and sprinkles was served in front of me, I panicked.
After a long debate, back and fourth, deciding if I should try to eat the ice cream, I finally said to myself,
'This. This is why I hate ice cream.'

AN//Hey guys! I know this chapter seems mildly irrelevant, and it's not very good, but trust me, it will connect in the next chapter. This chapter was meant to kind of introduce you to Stella as a character, and let you know her background, surroundings, etc.
this was just to get things started, so stay tuned!

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