1 - Ruining the Condemnation Event

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"Hey... Prince Clovis, will you really stay with me for the rest of our lives?"

The cute golden retriever like boy in front of me smiles innocently at me at my question. His green eyes glimmering in the sunlight.

"Of course, Bea-chan."


I puff out my cheeks with disbelief and suspicion.


"You won't just throw me away for a cuter girl?"

Clovis tilts his head, and then gives an innocent and unconcerned smile.

"I won't. Bea-chan's family helps us regain power after all."

"...then, not after you regain power either?"

Clovis blinks a few times and then puts his hand on my head to pat it gently.

"I will stay with Bea-chan, I owe Bea-chan after all."

...So you will...

11 years later

I figured this would happen, but it's just as annoying when you end up knowing ahead of time.

I gently put the teacup down on the ornamented table, and let out a sigh at the scene playing out in the school garden below me.

"Lady Beatrix, are you alright?"

A lady's gentle hand is placed on mine, as we witness my betrothed, prince Clovis, walking hand in hand alone through the garden with the heroine. They must be ignorant, to both manage to overlook a tea party nearby, simply because it is on a balcony. Of course, the ladies around me being dead silent in sheer horror of what is happening, might help them overlook it.

"Of course not," I reply and narrow my eyes at the two lovers.

But what they don't know, is that today is a very special event. In fact the last event before the condemnation event... and here I had been such a good and merciful betrothed for the last eleven years.

Still, seeing the one that had promised me, to never to toss me away, really not keep his promise makes my heart sink a bit... not that it was ever a promise made out of love...

If I hadn't gained that strange girl's memories, and found out that this is all part of a story, then who knows what kind of reaction I would have had after seeing this?

"Are we really not going to do anything?..." one of the ladies next to me speak out carefully, as she watches me with pain in her eyes.

"No," I respond quietly, trying to silence the sinking disappointment in my chest. 

Clovis takes the heroine's hands in his, as they face each other, and their eyes soften with love and adoration. Even the sun seems to shine brighter and warmer as Clovis leans in and presses his lips to hers.

The first full display of fully blossomed love in their story... and one of the final nails in the coffin of ours.

At least I don't have to wonder, why he chose the lovable Delia over me.

You see, the male lead in these stories always chose the heroine because she's 'interesting', 'cute', 'amusing' and basically untainted by the complications of society, and in particular adulthood. She's reckless and simple minded, but cute enough to make you want to protect her. 

I, on the other hand, am exactly what society wants. Boring, as I place value on etiquette and consequences of my actions, wicked because I interact in intrigue, 'greedy' because I focus on work and monetary manners, and participate in fashion, and so on. 

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