6 - Drain

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Clovis' Point of View

After about a week, I was drained.

Mentally and physically. A part of me couldn't help but to feel pathetic. It was just a light run. One would think it would make me feel better... but instead I felt the drain slowly take over my body.

There was just one week left, but these days felt like the longest I'd had in my life.

So when Delia met me, awake and happy at the door when I came back, I couldn't tell if I was happy to see her happy, or dreading that she hoped I had energy enough to hold a conversation.

"Clovis, I planned a picnic tomorrow!"

She says cheerfully.

When tomorrow?

During lunch?

I suppose we could do that. It would be better than running for her. Should I have suggested this faster? But what if she still carried bad feelings about last time?

"You've been looking tired and pale, so I decided to cancel all your meetings, so you could have a day to relax."


My head rushes through the things planned for tomorrow, which includes rescue relief to the west, a disagreement between two high nobles, continuing discussing the budget for the summer palace. Especially the last will be hard to keep in my head if we don't continue tomorrow, with everything else going on.

"I can't Delia."

"Why? Work can wait a day! You need to relax!"

She purses her lips at me, looking cute as she scolds me.

If you wanted me to relax, then tell me not to come running for lunch.

I feel my stomach sink with guilt at my own internal thoughts.

"I can't just take time off because I feel tired, Delia. I know you mean well, but this is important business."

She tears up, making my stomach knot up. No, please don't cry.

"Louise said it could be moved. That your schedule is partly this pressed, because you're trying to make time for me next week. Then I'll sacrifice a day today, for one next week, so that you can rest up."

Usually I'd think she was cute, but my mind is spinning with the amount of incoming complaints if I force an entire castle full of ministers, clerks and the like to adjust their vacation schedule. All because my fiancé, who is part cause of a bunch of extra work, wants me to stay home to go on a picnic.

"Everyone have plans to leave that Monday, Delia. I can't just expect them to change all their plans at my whim."

She tightens her hands into little balls, and I see the tears streaming again.

I know she's doing this for my good, but she doesn't fully understand the implications.


She bites her lips.

I can tell she's holding something in.

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