~~~Chapter 18~~~

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"No. Not happening." I stand up and open the door, gesturing for her to leave. "You want help, Kate and her boyfriend are offering."

"They're too high profile and you know it," Yelena doesn't budge.

"I don't care. Get out," I command, and surprisingly, she does. "If you see Lucia, send her back up," I call after her, and she lifts a middle finger behind her back. I close the door and put my guns back where I had hidden them before Yelena's intrusion. I sit on the bed and put my face in my hands, contemplating leaving sooner than I'd anticipated. After a few minutes, the door opens, and Lucia slips into the room, glancing around nervously. "I'm sorry about that."

"You point guns at your friends?" She asks, sitting down next to me.

"You'd be surprised how many of my friends want to kill me," I tell her. "I have to leave town tonight. What do you want to do until then?" I grin slyly, and she leans in to kiss me. Spending the day in bed it is, then.


I'm getting on my bike when I feel something odd. I turn to see Johnny, made of vibranium, and Quint walking toward me. They don't feel menacing, but they don't feel benevolent, either. "Hey kid, long time no see," I address Quint, ignoring Johnny completely. I don't want to think about Kate.

"Ignoring him won't change the fact that he's with her," Quint says bluntly. Fuck telepathy. I cannot mask my thoughts like Yelena can.

"You snooze, you lose," Johnny says smugly.

What do you want, boys?" I sit my helmet on the seat of my bike and swing my leg back over to stand.

"Help Yelena. Kate is asking." Johnny demands.

"Is she? I don't see her anywhere." I look around dramatically.

"She wants to know you're both safe," Quint says, softer.

"Fuck off. If Yelena wants help, I told her who to ask." I get back on my bike and secure my helmet. "Leave me alone." I drive out of the parking lot, only to find Cassie and America blocking my path. Cassie's grown up a lot over the past two years. She's pretty cute, honestly. When I think that, I hear Quint, still in the parking lot.

"Ew. Y/n's become such a womanizer." I smirk at that.

"Hey, Cass, America. Not that I'm not happy to see you, but I've got somewhere to be." I swerve around them, speeding off into the evening. When I'm almost out of the city, an arrow hits one of my tires, making me spin out. Fucking Kate. I pull my helmet off, groaning as I push my bike off of my left leg. "Seriously?" A second arrow hits the building next to me, extending a zip line for her to use, and she slides down.

"I sent the team to get you first. Should have gone with them." She reaches a hand out to help me up, but I swat it away.

"Leave me the fuck alone, Katherine." I drag myself up to stand in front of her. "I'm not getting involved." I grab my bag from the back of the bike and start walking away.

"You know I looked for you? For months, I looked. I chased down lead after lead, and you were always gone before I got there. Yelena kept saying you'd come back, that I should respect your decision. You just needed time. I knew better." I stop walking, but I don't turn to look at her. "You gave up. You can blame us all you want, but you're the one who gave up. When you clearly weren't coming home, Yelena left too. You broke her heart." At that, I whorl around.

"Yelena broke my heart! You broke my heart! You don't get to blame me for leaving!" I shout at her, walking back toward her. "I wasn't enough! Not for Yelena, not for you." I poke her chest accusingly. "Leave me alone," I repeat, and turn away again. Part of me wants her to follow me, to fight me, but she doesn't. She doesn't need me. She has Johnny now. I make my way to the nearest hostel, and plan on buying a new motorcycle in the morning so I can go to France. Of course, when I get into the bunk bed, someone grabs me and knocks me out.


I come to in a hotel suite, tied to an ornate arm chair. Kinky. Although, usually I like to be able to see who's tying me up. I look around the room before I hear a groan from the next room.

"All she thinks about is sex, do I really have to be reading her mind?" It's Quint again. Must have been Johnny that knocked me out. It feels like a blunt object hit me in the head.

"You know I can hear you that close?" I shout, and the doors open to reveal the whole team. Kate looks dejected. Johnny steps into the room first, striding right up to me and leaning down to face me.

"Where is Yelena right now?" He asks me, his voice cold.

"How should I know?" I scoff, equally emotionless.

"Your powers, you fucking bitch," he grates out.

"Oh, those!" I roll my eyes. Reach out. "She's close." I'm genuinely surprised by that. "Maybe a quarter mile away." When I tell him, he turns away and the team leaves the room, all except America.

"What happened to you? I remember you being nice." She sits on the floor, close to my chair, fiddling with that same jacket.

"Who said I'm not nice?" I smile at her fakely. "I'm the nicest."

"Seriously, y/n."

"When they find Yelena am I gonna be allowed to go? I'm trying to go see this girl in Paris," I wiggle my brows at her.

"Ew, Quint was right. You're gross now."

"It's a defense mechanism," Cassie says, coming back into the room. "Just like having a new girl in every city is a coping mechanism. Super unhealthy one, but still."

"Oh what's this, Cassie's a psychologist now?" I tease her, giving her a bored look. "Maybe I just like variety. Or maybe I realized commitment is a joke."

"That's evident," she scoffs. "You couldn't even commit to this team."

"I was never a part of this team," I chortle.

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