Chapter 3

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I'm sitting down at the conversation pit and I look around to see mia talking to her target. They start to head outside from what I can see so I follow after them discreetly. I start to lose them throughout the crowd. "Fuck." I mumble to myself. I start to worry after i hear a loud help.
                                  MIAS POV
I start talking to Sophia and we decide to head outside which I thought was a good idea. I walk outside and I feel and see someone put a bag over my head.  I scream as I start to kick and scream until i hear a familiar voice.    "I suggest you stop before I kill you."

I lift the bag over my head to see Scarlett pointing a gun at my kidnappers. "Please don't hurt us ma'am, we will go now." Sophia says as she and her accomplice ran away. Scarlett puts her gun away and comes down to my level and hugs me and asks if Im okay.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt right." She says checking all over me in a worried manner. Its kind of comforting and a little smile creeps up on my face. "I'm fine don't worry."  I say "Are you sure because If not I'll-" I put my fingers on his lips to shush her.
"I promise Im fine." I say as I start to smile at the thought of her caring for me.

"Oh yeah, did you ever get her id?" she asks           
"I didn't go through all of this for nothing" I grin as i show her the id. She smiles back at me and I can't help but feel a warm feeling inside me. We stay like that for a few seconds until she says, "I-Um think we should get going its getting pretty late"

Its so cute to see her nervous. Wait, what am I talking about? Im supposed to hate her but I don't? God, whats wrong with me. "Yeah lets get going." I respond back to her
                            SCARLETTS POV
We get in the car and Im driving for a little while until I look over and see Mia sleeping. I smile at the sight of her. It's not like I like her or anything though shes just nice to look at.

I pull up in her driveway and realize her father isn't home so he shouldn't be expecting her. I'll just let her sleep for a little longer I don't want to wake her up. I realize shes shivering a little so i put my jacket around her.

ugh her dad has to be calling right now?
"Hello Mr Williams. Do you need anything?" I say as quietly as possible to not wake up a certain someone. "Did the plan go successfully? Nothing bad happened right." He asks "Yeah everything went fine and shes at home safe" I say, "Alright thank you for tonight i owe you." He says

"No its fine don't worry" I say with a awkward laugh
"Alright well let me know if you need anything goodbye." he says tiredly "Bye Mr Williams." I say
I hang up and sign from exhaustion and look over at her sleeping so peacefully. I hate that I have to wake her up.

"Hey you have to get up let's go." I shake her waking her up. "Leave me alone." she groans not wanting to wake up. "Come on or I'll have to carry you." I say  "Then I guess you'll have to carry me." she says with a small smirk. "Fine let's go." I pick her up with no trouble at all and i feel her smile in my neck as I'm walking up the steps.

I open the door and by the time i get up to her room shes already fast asleep already so i put her in bed and lay a blanket over her. I whisper "Goodnight." before i make my way back to my car to go into my own bed.
                                  MIAS POV
I wake up to my alarm at 7:30 am not wanting to get up after last night. Im still tired but i cant stay in bed all day. As I'm starting to feel more awake I notice something around me. "SCARLETTS JACKET??" I yell out loud on accident. "Oh god, I should probably get this back to her later. But its really comfortable and smell good so I'll wear it just for a little longer." I hug myself and smile at the smell of her lavender perfume.————————————————————————
                         minutes later
Im getting ready i washed my hair today because it was getting greasy and i blow dried and curled it to look extra good for a certain someone. I do light makeup to make it not so obvious im overdoing it. After getting ready i call a uber to come pick me up and to drop it off at her house.

I arrive at her house and I knock on the door with her jacket in my hands, nervous to see her.
The door opens. Then all of my thoughts running around come to a complete halt.
"Hey whats up" she says confused why I'm here
"I just wanted to give you your jacket back. Sorry If I came at a bad time." I say
"You're totally fine don't worry, why don't you come in?" She says

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother or anything." I say
"It's fine you can only stay for a few minutes if you really think you're wasting my time." She says with a chuckle
"Okay thanks." I say
"Wow, I forgot how nice your house was since last time i was here. Did you design it yourself?" I ask

"Yeah me and my dad actually designed it before he passed away.." She says
"Im so sorry about that."
"It's fine it has nothing to do with you." she says
"Okay but if you ever need someone to talk to you can always just call me okay?" I say letting her know she can be comfortable around me.
"Okay." She says with a small smile

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