Chapter Two: The Old Song (Part 2)

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Taking Wally's notes in searching the keys in the garbage cans,their equipment leads to opening the closet which holds another tape. Yet again,it's Sammy:

"Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his and I've got mine. To enter, you need only know my favorite song:

The banjo playfully clucks. 

The drum thunders in triumph.

The bass fiddle sings with deep articulation.

The violin shudders with a piercing voice.

Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you."

The pink hedgehog realises what the musician is talking about. The instruments in the recording studio. "I think we have to play those in order!" "In that case,let's go back and see what we can do."

Much to Rosy's surprise,nothing happens. "But...We played it all in order! Are we missing something?" "I don't know." Henry looks up in the projector booth and sees the Bendy cutout. He gets an idea. "I think I now know. You stay here and I'll turn on that projector up there. Then maybe you can try playing these instruments again. How does that sound?" "I like that idea!" Rosy smiles.

Following this train of thought,the sanctuary opens. "It worked!" Rosy exclaimed. Henry walks back down and they turn off the valve. "This should at least stop the leak from the pipe. Now we just need to find the other one and then we can get to the pump switch." "Henry? There's someone in the booth and ink puddles across the floor." The hedgehog worryingly says. The animator comes up to her and remembers her panic from earlier. "I think I know what will show up. Get ready." Rosy takes a deep breath. "Ready when you are."

Even by a simple step taken,the ink monsters reappear. Except this time Rosy joins in the fight and somehow beats them up with her gloved fists.

Silence surrounds the room. What's left is the strange man on the projector booth looking down at the two wanderers. He appears to wear some kind of overalls and has a mask that resembles Bendy's face.

Feeling confident,Rosy stares back at him. "We'll deal with you later,I promise!" "Maybe it's best to not get that cocky."

The two head down to a place called the Infirmary. The pipe that has to drain the ink from Sammy's office is lacking a valve. "Oh no,there's no valve. Where'd it go?" "Maybe over there!" Rosy pulls a lever that opens a room with flooded sewers. There,she sees a swollen ink monster with a hat. She tries to approach it,but it sinks into the ink.

 "Was that..thing holding the valve?" "Did you find anything?" "An ink creature is hiding from us and keeping the valve in its hands!" "Then we must follow it."

They do as such,and while Henry raises a lift with a crate on it,Rosy tries to catch the little monster but fails repeatedly. This gives the animator an idea. "Rosy,try to lure the thing below the lift!" "Oh,okay!" When she does,Henry pulls the lever that drops the lift,crushing the creature. He then picks up the valve.

"Sorry I had to do that. Nice hat,though." "I really wanna take it but...nah,I'll pass."

Restoring the valve to its rightful place,Henry and Rosy head to Sammy's office and flick the pump switch,draining the stairway to their only way out.

"Come on,Rosy. We have to go now." "Hang on,I really wanna listen to the radio for a bit!" Rosy sat down on the chair and turned on the radio. It played an instrumental of some kind of popular electro swing-esque song,which she liked a lot. Henry chuckled. He remembered she was still a kid and had curiousity for literally anything and decided to wait.

"Okay,we can go." "You really like that song,huh?" "I just think it's really catchy!" "Well,tell you what. When we get out of here,maybe we can find a full version-"




Henry and Rosy were hit in the back of the head enough to pass out. It was the man watching them from earlier.

"Rest your head. It's time for bed." He whispered,watching them lose consciousness.


Henry wakes up in an unfamiliar place. He is tied up to a wall,unable to move. Rosy was in the same state,except she was still unconscious.

In front of him was the creepy ink man who was holding his axe. Even though he never introduced himself,it was still clear for anyone to see that this was Sammy Lawrence,the music writer. He was unlike his previous self.

"There we go now,nice and tight. We wouldn't want our sheeps running away now,would we? No,we wouldn't. I must admit I am honored you came all the way down here to visit me. It almost makes what I'm about to do seem cruel. But the believers must honor their savior. I must have him notice me. Wait. You look familiar to me. That face. The little strange creature...Not now,for our Lord is calling to us,my little sheep. The time of sacrifice is at hand! Then,I will finally be free from this...prison. This inky,dark abyss I call a body."

There was thuds coming from the pipes. Something was crawling in them.

"Shhh,quiet. Listen. I can hear him. Crawling above,crawling! Let us begin. The ritual must be completed. Soon he will hear me. He will set us free."

Following this crazy monologue,Sammy walked into a nearby room. So much was going through Henry's mind. However,he did not have time to think since Sammy started talking again. This time through the speakers.

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, It's time for sleep. Rest your head. It's time for bed. In the morning, you may wake. Or in the morning, you'll be dead. Hear me, Bendy! Arise from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering! Free me! I beg you! I summon you, Ink Demon! Show your face and take this tender sheep! "

Much more sounds were coming. This time from Sammy's room. It sounded like he was being attacked. Meanwhile Henry stuggled to tear off the ropes.

"No! My lord! Stay back! I am your prophet! I am your- AAAHHH!!"

As soon as Sammy screamed,Henry broke free,took the axe and squished the legless ink monsters as well as freeing the unconscious Rosy from her own prison. He then grabs her and runs away,breaking more woods that block his path.

Then his axe breaks. He looks down at it. "Damnit,that was our only defense. And Rosy's still passed out. What did this guy meant by Bendy...?" Henry took the time to catch up with what he witnessed. He took a few steps forward into the ink.

After which the tall,horned creature with a smile rised up and started a chase.

Henry ran as fast as he could,trying not to drop Rosy. Eventually,he reached an open entrance and closed the door behind it,even boarding it up. The monster tried to break the door but it felt useless so it just...gave up.

"So that's Bendy... He looks so...disfigured and soulless. Oh,I hope Rosy doesn't find out. I'm scared to think how she will feel about this."

The realisation sent Henry into a crisis. The once beloved star of his own little show was now nothing more than a killing machine with no regards whatsoever. And with him once being Rosy's best friend does not make things better.

An empty can of bacon soup rolled by,pulling the animator from his thoughts.

"Hello? Someone there? I know you're out here. Come out and show yourself."

The stranger slowly walked up to reveal themselves. Much to Henry's surprise,it was yet another character he once drew.


Heart to Soul (Bendy and The Ink Machine Fan-story/Reimagined)Where stories live. Discover now