Chapter 18: I Do Love You

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"Martinus told me, that you had a date with his brother." Hanna smirked softly and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "I know he knows and Marcus obviously also knows. So, if that would be all, you can go now. Bye!" I was closing my door when a foot jammed the door open.

A sigh escaped my lips, "I'm not nearly being done with you." I didn't speak and just waited on the next part. "You are defiantly doing this to get Martinus back. And I swear, if you steal him from me they will never-"

"Never find my body? Woman, be a bit more original alright? You already copied me with taking my ex-boyfriend, no need to sink that low to copy my exact words as well." I waited for a moment as I saw her face getting red. From anger?




"He will soon notice, that he just got the knock off version of me, if you keep that attitude of yours up. Alright darling?" With that I closed me door, hearing her squeal in pain as she pulled her foot from out my door frame.

I watched the clock and realized I still had an hour the time to get myself into other clothes and get started one the diner. While cutting up my vegetables, I thought about calling Martinus, he had the right to know that Hanna just came over to threaten me, Right?

And that is what I did. I picked up my phone, clicking on the calling icon and dialed his number. It rang.

And it rang again.

But when I was about to hang up, the call was answered.

"Martinus Gunnarsen, who am I speaking with?" His voice was neutral, and I decided that he wasn't even looking at the caller's ID. 

"It's Y/N." I said unsure, because what would I say to him? Something dropped on the other side of the phone and he sighed before speaking up sternly. 

"What do you want?"

"I-I have something to tell you."

"Alright? You could have just texted me."

"It's too important-"

"Oh, let me guess! You miss me?" I could felt the cockiness drip of his voice, the smug face he probably would be making right now. If I had the chance at this exact moment, I would have told him to fuck off, so, I decided to ruin his moment.

"No, I actually don't. Marcus is really nice to me, the total opposite of you. He doesn't sneak around with my best friend behind my back and now that we are talking about her, maybe you should put a leach around her and learn her some manners." 

"What?" He asked confused, probably unaware of what happened not half an hour ago.

"Keep that bitch short, she's acting all psycho, completely deranged. My neighbors will probably come over to complain about her screaming match with me." Before I was about to bid my farewell, the doorbell rang again, but this time it was about to be more pleasant than the encounter I had before. As I opened the front door, I hold my finger up, telling him to wait a minute before speaking again; "Well, Marcus is here, I'm going to hang up, goodbye."

Martinus POV:

I was about to say more, wanting to talk with Y/N a little while longer, but before I knew, the other side of the line was already silent. 

It then hit me, she was about to have a romantic dinner with my brother. I know I should let it go, and I defiantly know that I was the one who messed up, but still I wanted to be the only one in her life.

Maybe her love for me already was gone, but mine was certainly still burning with passion. ì'll admit it, Hanna was fun, but I could never have the same relationship I had with her than I had with Y/N. She made me feel alive and Hanna only makes me feel, like I have been pushed down, further into a locked and dark place. It was because it was a must, my dear Y/N would be living in a real life hell if I didn't go in on Hanna her advances.

So, I did what I had to do. Go towards Y/N her place and stop her from doing something she might regret. Even if that meant ruining my potential good ending. But how would I do this? How would I gain back her trust, I do love her, but how would I convince possibly her?

Your POV:

The red button on my screen was pressed and I was happy to finally embrace the other Gunnarsen family member. As we were hugging, Marcus parted us to greet me properly with a simple hello.

"You are pretty early, Marcus." 

"I just couldn't wait to see you again Y/N." 

"Well, you are in luck. I've already started on the food. So, it just needs some time to heat up and we can start eating. I hope you are hungry." I smiled as I let him in. "Yay." He excitedly said,  walking further into the warm house.

"So, Y/N" Marcus started but then a heavy knock on the door, caught him off guard. I ignored it and told Marcus to try again, but once again the knocks multiplied on the door. I walked to it and opened it. I stood there in shock, because of the person standing before me. "Y/N don't do it. I love you!" Martinus exclaimed.

My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus & Martinus, (y/n) fanfic) 'REWRITTEN VERSION'Where stories live. Discover now