Chapter 5: Just one Question!

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I was almost home. Just a few minutes walking. Then I saw the roof of my house. I runned a little bit, it may looked stupid but I didn't care. I grabbed my keys, opend the door, walked inside and closed the door.

I didn't have any work for the next day. It's a nice Thursday evening and I don't need to do a thing. I walked to the bathroom because I wanted to take a shower. But then I realized I didn't have my phone in my pockets.

And I never placed my phone in my bag. I looked everywhere but nothing. I just took a laptop to play some music, and I took my shower. Hoping it would pop up somewhere.

--time skip-- *wink wink* ==> don't get me wrong it's time for Martinus xD

I was in the kitchen, making some food. But still thinking where my phone could be... Then I heard the homephone ringing. I took up the phone but I didn't hear anything. Maybe a miscall or something. I hung up, shrugged and I went to cook further. 

Martinus POV

I wanted to call (y/n) but I was nervous. When I heard that (y/n) took the phone up, I coudn't speak anymore. I was thinking it was the wrong time. I heard her say hello but I didn't anwser. I sounded maybe like a creep or something. She hung up the phone. I sighed, why can't I say what I wanted to say.

Your POV

I saw it was late. I made my bag for school tomorrow and then I just went to bed. I wanted to watch some YouTube but then I realised, I didn't have my phone. Then I just went sleeping.


I heard my alarm go off. I pressed the button. Getting up, and get my clothes on... The daily routine for the schoolmorning. You know, getting dressed, eat my breakfast... I watched some tv but I looked every 5 minutes to the clock. And then I sighed, wishing the day was already over. I took my bag and walked to school. Having the boring lessons... Again

-Time skip untill Norwegian class--

It was the last hour of the day. I could say it was going to be a hard last hour. Well it is, there were a lot of people who aren't here in the class. Most of them needed to go to Italian or another language. They all failed for the base-test. Previously we where with 25 students now we are with only 12 students. It's still loud.

Mr. Gunnarsen walked in, the worst thing was the 'fangirls' where still there. I know that they 'played false' with the test only to be here for Mr. Gunnarsen. When I looked over to him I just thought over our conversation yesterday with the 'cute' concept. 

"Class, the volume can be a little more down." He said annoyed. I would be to... Oh wait, I already am "Okey... Class! We are gonna have another test Monday, just to be sure you didn't play false on the previous tests!" He said. I looked around all the girls who actually didn't pass the test weren't listening. If they get the test Monday I will laugh at them...

The lesson today was really hard, so I tought about to sit a little longer to ask some questions... Including my phone. Maybe he had seen it laying around and turned it in at the secretary?Everyone was out of the class while I was still figuring out what it was. 

"(Y/n)? What are you still doing here? It's friday! Go outside and enjoy your weekend!" He said very happy. "I can't, I'm still trying to understand this." I said while pointing to the page. "And I wanted to ask you some stuff personally." I mumbeld the last part. "I can explain and yes I'd love to answer your questions...Just wait a second, I will go and get a chair." He said.

"Well hurry Mr.Gunnarsen! I wanna go home." I said laughing. When we are all alone there is actually no teacher-student relationship. Just two normal people who are having fun together. In a friendly way you know? He just laughed. "Well what do you want me to explain? This page?" He asked. "Yeah that one, I can't just get it." I said. 

He explained everything to every little detail. Not a single spot left on the page. "Thanks Mr Gunnarsen! Your right,it's very easy when you get it!" I said very happy. "Well, (y/n) no problem! And well please call me Martinus. There is nobody else here! And you're one of my favoriete students..." Martinus said while smiling.

"So... Now that's done can I ask my other question?" I asked but slight serious. "Yeah of course. I told you before you can ask me." Martinus said chuckling. "Okey so I wanted to ask-


again xD

Chicken is out xD

My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus & Martinus, (y/n) fanfic) 'REWRITTEN VERSION'Where stories live. Discover now