Chapter 20: Marry Me

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Martinus POV

As I was send out of her house, I couldn't help but blame myself. Seeing her shocked expression, I couldn't help but feel guilty. Because, what have I done? 

She hates me now, would this be the end for me? The end to having my dream woman? Matter of fact, yes. I ruined it and there was no denying in that. 

She told me clearly that she didn't love me and I defiantly didn't know how to fix the mess that I just made.

But I could fix it?

It was a question to myself and it was a risk I could take. But, knowing how our last interaction was, I knew it couldn't be worse than it was now.



It was Friday, and I haven't heard anything from Martinus anymore. I just saw him while being in his class,  but I always ran off when the bell rang. I saw Martinus walking into the room and Hanna was looking at me with narrowed eyes.

She does it all the time. 

"Hello class, today is my last lesson here... Because it is our last school week. After this week you guys got your exams and then your graduation." He said with a smile. I was so occupied with all that was going on, that I just forgot about it.


The bell rang and everybody literally ran off. Hanna, who still was giving me a death stare, gave one more glance at me and stood up, making her bag. Just like I was doing. I didn't want to be here any longer than intended. 

So, I just gave up and took my book and my bag, walking to the door but then Martinus stood before me. "Uhm Y/N could I have a word to you and Hanna could you please go. You know it is over between us right?" He said calmly.

He said what? 

They were over?

 "Whatever." Hanna said walking off. I just laughed at her. "What is it Martinus?" I asked looking at the ground. "Uhm I wanted to ask you something." He said.

"Just tell me." I said to Martinus, he looked up to me and sighed. "Let it drop, but uhm could you and Marcus come to my house later today?"

"Maybe, why?" I asked curiously. 

"Just do it please?"He begged. Without any further explanation, I walked off. Maybe I can go over. I just... I don't know. I took my phone, took my AirPods and listened to one of my favorite songs. I texted Marcus about what had happend. He just replied that he agreed to talk with Martinus.

When I arrived at the house of Martinus, Marcus already had opened the door. Martinus skipped in front of him, taking place in front of me. 

"Thank you for coming here, Y/N." I gave him a nod as a walked past him, into the house and went straight towards the living room. Marcus followed and Martinus came in next.

 "So, I won't keep you longer here than needed. And I will just say it." He said nervously.

I furrowed my brows as I saw that he took something from his pocket and proceeded to walk up to me. 

"Sorry Marcus, but I have to do it. I hope you understand." Marcus just nodded with a tear slowly rolling down his cheek and once more I didn't know what was going on. What did Martinus mean? And why is Marcus crying? 

"Y/N, I know that I made mistakes and that I am far from the perfect man. But I just love you and I wanna... I wanna marry you." He said as he took the ring out of the little silk box while going down on one knee.

My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus & Martinus, (y/n) fanfic) 'REWRITTEN VERSION'Where stories live. Discover now