The Accident

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Lily stayed at the back of the group with the teacher on the way to the library.

The mean kids scared her, they didn't like her. She didn't like them.

But they hurt her, not all the time but they did. Hit her to make her stop using her talents. Hit her hard, sometimes making her face bruise. They didn't show for long, they healed quicker but still, they hurt.

The classes slipped into the library slowly and quietly. Some kids went to the computers, some wandered the aisles of books. Lily looked around to see what there was to do, she was bored to death already. She started to take a wander down an empty aisle.

Books bored her to death, they were all about fairies and insects and whatnot. They would always go on big adventures or meet princes. It annoyed her since she knew, even at a young age, that those things did not happen in real life. Well not to her. She had no wings, she wasn't an insect even though she was small, she never went on adventures and she certainly did not have a Prince Charming. The only person she could ever remember looking out for her is the man with the circular glasses, dark brown eyes and coal black hair. Her daddy.

She remembered her parents, but him especially since he was the one who had saved her from the bad man. Who had given his life so she could live. She wasn't stupid, she knew her parents were dead. But one thing that made her think was where was her brother? He was alive, she knew that in her heart. She was determined she would find-

"Oh look! It's the little gingey freak!"

Lily turned around to see she was at the end of the aisle, and a few rows down there was a group of bigger kids, bigger meaner kids. She swallows and pretended to be interested in a book. The laughs and voices kept coming though.

"Look at her!" "She must be crazy." "Oh yeah, I mean look at her?" There was a chorus of laughter then she heard something that pressed on of her dangerous buttons. "She must've got it from her parents."

Lily turned and gave them a dark glare, it was a boy who had said it and she found him immediately in the small group. He was tall, dark but far from handsome. He soon notice her glare. "What'd you want freak?!" More laughter. She summed up her strength and courage before speaking. "T-take that b-back."

The boy and his group chuckled and giggled then went back to conversation. Lily's hands became fists as she started to become very annoyed.

"I said take that back!" This time there was annoyance mixed with sadness in her voice. She watched the group who were still unfazed. Her teeth gritted and she finally screamed at them. "IM TALKING TO YOU! LISTEN TO ME YOU STUPID CHIMP!"

At this the group became silent, and they slowly turned to her, looks of embarrassment, anger and annoyance spread on their faces. The boy on the other hand was already a quarter of the way towards her, he looked angry, real angry.

"Your gonna pay for that one freak!!" Lily gulp as he screamed those words at her then she turned and bolted it, he followed in pursuit down the aisle. She kept running, her bag bouncing off her back as she did. Lily turned at the end before going up another aisle. She could still hear the boy but after dodging into another aisle she could no longer see him so she ran to the end of the row and found that it was the last one and sat down, hugging her knees in the corner.

Everything was quiet again, the boy must have given up. She smiled to herself and started to relax.

"There you are you little twerp!" She looked up sharply and saw he was a few rows down, and coming towards her. She took off down the final row but the end was already covered by his friends. She came to a stop in the middle of it and looked around scared as the boy came towards her.

"I'll give you one chance to say sorry freak!" He growled as he stopped to stand over her. She looked up to meet his eyes. Blue eyes. Ice blue eyes... Her eyes widened, she had seen the same eyes on someone else. She took a step back and he grabbed her arm, fist raised.

"I want an apology on the count of three!" He warned, "or else!" He indicated his raised fist and smirked at her.

She started to pull away to try and get away but he tightened his grip to the point of hurting her.


His voice was getting louder and angrier. She looked around frantically for something to help her. Anything.


Her eyes settled on the bookcase, as big as it was she was sure she could move it. Her eyes frowned in concentration.


The bookcase tipped towards them violently, it fell as though it had been pushed over. The boy let go of lily as they both screamed and dived to the floor. Hundreds of books fell on them, then as they were about to be crushed, it came it a sudden halt. Lily looked up and saw it had been caught on the bookcase behind them.

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