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Miles manages to break the barrier with a powerful force expanding throughout the room. It was enough to knock over even the largest spiders. Because you were closer to Miles than the others, you were completely thrown back and onto the floor. Miguel immediately crawled to your side, unable to speak any words unless through his eyes. He helps you sit up, and you graciously cling to his arm. The room was silent for a moment as the others were recovering from the stun. Miles processes the situation until he dashed away into the big city behind him.

"Miles!" Miguel roared, digging into the ground to boost him forward.

The other spiders followed, but you were still making your way up to stand correctly. Peter B. Parker, from beside you, mumbles to Mayday, "Alright. I'm sorry for doing this . . . This is bad parenting."

And he swung away with his webs and Mayday enjoying the ride. You bite your cheek, resisting to roll your eyes, and finally stand up. Just as you were about to fly off to search for where they all might be, Miguel called every spider: "All stations, drop what you're doing and stop Spiderman!"

Confusion was heard in the distance, as every spider pointed at each other in suspicion, but even you would have been confused because Miguel didn't specify. 

"Por Dios! Miles! Miles Morales! He's entering sector four!" You see Miguel screaming at his watch as he ran after Miles.

"Miles! Lord--he's right there! He's right--Turn around!!" Miguel hollered, spinning his arm around the spider Miles was hiding behind.

Even from the initial spot before Miles ran, you can see him being chased all around from right here. Waves of spiders crashed towards Miles, who you could barely make out because of the distance. It was a large chase that even you ponder if you should join in. But it will do some good if you help.

You attach the longest web you can muster and try to search for a detour based on the direction the havoc was heading. You see that they disappear underground, but towards the direction of the cafeteria. It was difficult to Eventually, you meet up with the squad after climbing over the cafeteria.

"(Y/n)!" Gwen sighed in relief, running beside you.

Peter nudged Miguel as they ran, "Would you take a photo of this? It's our first chase."

Miguel shakes his head in annoyance and jumps off the platform and towards Miles who disappears over a corner in the distance. Funny enough, Mayday shot a web to take the photo for him.

The chase led to the sending-off building, where the many trapped anomalies were cheering for Miles, but hissing at the wave of spider people chasing him. Unfortunately, you knew that the trail would only grow thinner from here on out, so you decided to take another route around the building. Just so you don't get blocked off or hurt anyone else if you're in the pile.

The more they climbed, the slimmer the building became. So, you resorted to keeping an eye out from the outside, in case Miles manages to exit the building. You didn't have a good place to station yourself, except to cling to the outside corner of the building, looking down and around for any sign of Miles escaping. You even swung around the perimeter of the building for good measure.

The sound of glass shattering followed by Miles' screams causes you to rush over and find Miguel falling after a tumbling Miles. Many spiders continue to jump in after the two, all falling midair from the tallest building in the city. You thought it was crazy they were going this far to chase him. The more you thought about it, the more puzzled you became as to why Miles is only getting further and further away from the sending station to get him home. Maybe he has a plan?

You catch up to Peter, Gwen, and Jess who all jump over buildings and flying cars to keep up with the rest. 

"Where are they now?" You ask, unable to see the star of the chase ahead of you.

[✔] ▼ 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚑 𝙱𝚒𝚝𝚎 ▲ Miguel O'Hara ▼ 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷/ 𝟸Where stories live. Discover now