One day two high school girls decided to prank the school with fake love letters. They put them in random peoples lockers and bags. Who knows? It might make a lot of relationships... or crushed hearts.
They slip it into Daniels locker through a straight lined hole and they go to class. A few periods later it's finally lunch time and Daniel goes to his locker to put away his notebooks. He unlocks the code and finds the note. His girlfriend, Sapphire comes over and sees it.
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Sapphire is the leader of the royals. The royals a a group with 3 members. They are the most popular people in the school. She's also a freshmen. She got in the royals immediately because of her wealth and looks. Her parents are on the school board. They own half of the buildings in the city and are Extremely filthy rich.
Sapphire: What are you doing?
Daniel: AH! Oh geez you scared me love!
Sapphire: is that a love letter?
Daniel: yes.. but it's not mine!!
Sapphire: then who sent it?
Daniel: ...uh
Sapphire: How could you? Your fucking cheating on me I know it!
Daniel: I'm not I swear I don't know who sent this to me!! I swear I don't!! Their name isn't on here!
Sapphire: Then why were you "giggling" at this!! I know you smiled and blushed and laughed a bit! I thought you loved me..
Daniel: Please think this over!! Please I'm begging I don't want to lose you!
Sapphire: ...fine. Just know it's either we breakup never talk or just friends and still dating. Got that?
Daniel: yes my love.
Sapphire heads to the royals table and stares at Daniel who's table is right next hers.
Then she whispers... "oh Daniel... I don't want to lose you either.."