Something for Your M.I.N.D

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I lay disoriented and confused. I go to sit straight up before I realized they strapped me down to a bed. Where am I? Oh no.

The hospital. Ok. Ok, think. What did I do to end up here? I thought long and hard, but my memory couldn't retrieve itself. I panic while my thoughts run a marathon.

"Help-" I go to scream.
My voice is raspy. What on earth did I do?
"Someone-" I try again.
But the pain in my throat stopped me. Suddenly doctors came in, surrendering my bed. I panic internally. I then realized one doctor had I needle. I screamed, regardless of the pain I felt. I tried to sit up again as the doctors pushed me back down.

The doctor then went to stick the needle in my arm.

"What's that?!"
"It'll help."
I squirmed relentlessly, trying to get away. My movements were no use. I screamed in shock when I felt the needle go into my skin.
"What did you do?!" I said, screaming.
I felt disoriented again. My vision blurred as the doctor whispered, "It's something for your mind."

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