Chapter 6

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Zayn was having a great day at school. He got new assigned seats in math and is now next to Danielle, Liam's girlfriend, and his history teacher said that they were not going to have to present their projects anymore. He was in high spirits for the rest of the day until art class where Lou walked in.

"Can I talk to Zayn for a moment." Lou said to Ms. Huff who nodded obviously confused. Zayn got up and ignored the glances from students.

"What's wrong Lou?" Zayn asked as he followed her in the hall. He thought everything was going great at the Tomlinson-Styles. He hasn't gotten in trouble or has he been yelled at.

"Zayn I am so sorry. It's your parents, their out of jail and want you back." 

"N-no t-they c-cant." Zayn said on the verge of tears and that's when Louis walked over and Zayn crashed him with a hug.

"Whoa, Zayn what's wrong?" Louis asked hugging the boy back while glancing at Lou.

"The best thing for us to do is grab Liam and Niall and get out of here. It will buy us more time." Lou said confusing Louis and ushering him to the front office. Louis quickly grabbed his stuff and checked the boy's out before calling Harry.

"Hey babe." Harry said.

"Harry are you home?"

"Yeah why. Is everything ok."

"No at least I don't think so. We are on our way home and we have Liam and Niall. Lou is coming too. It's about Zayn's birth parents." Louis said before hanging up and rushing to the car. Liam and Niall stayed quiet as they knew something was wrong and Zayn silently cried. 

"Dad, what's going on." Liam whispered.

"Liam, I wish I knew." Liam looked back at Niall who looked at Zayn who looked out the window. 

They arrived home and went inside to be met with Harry who had made tea and set out snacks.

"Lou what's going on?" Louis asked as they all sat down in the living room. Liam and Niall were up in their rooms doing homework and Zayn was sitting between Louis and Harry, while Lou sat on the love seat.

"It's Zayn's birth parents. They were arrested eight years ago on drug and alcohol abuse and they got out a few years ago." 

"But in Zayn's file it says child abuse, do they should have automatically lost him." Harry said

"I wrote that in when Zayn told me, but the police doesn't know."

"Well let's tell them."

"Since they have been in jail, police will think they have changed or Zayn's lying. It's to late. I am going to do everything in my power to make sure Zayn stays here. All of a sudden Liam and Niall came running downstairs, tackling Zayn with hugs.

"We will make Zayn stay here." Liam said as he pulled Zayn in between him and Niall. Louis, Harry and Lou talked about options, but all of them took time which they didn't have. 

"Boy's come eat." Harry called, taking the pizza out of the oven and that's when the knock came. Zayn turned a deathly pale and ran into Harry's arms while Louis went to answer it. At the door stood 4 police officers.

"Evening sir, we are looking for Zayn Malik." the officer said.

"Um Zayn!" Louis called and Zayn whimpered in Harry's arms as he was led to the door. The officers stepped inside and pulled Zayn away from Harry.

"Hey bud go back some clothes okay." one officer said and Zayn nodded and went upstairs. The house was deadly silent except for the tears coming from the Tomlinson- Styles. Zayn returned a few minutes later with a duffel bag and stayed by Louis and Harry.

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