Chapter 7

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Lou was running around her house, getting dressed while calling Louis and Harry, making sure not to wake her husband or daughter. She tried to call Louis this time and hung up the phone after the third call went to voice mail . She finished getting ready before speeding off to the hospital. She tried calling Harry one more time and he finally picked up.

"Hey Lou." he said obviously tired.

"Get you and the rest of you lot down to the children's hospital downtown now. Zayn's been shot!" Lou creamed into the phone and hung up before Harry could ask anything. She got to the hospital and quickly parked before running up to the waiting room. There was pretty much no one else there except the receptionist who smiled when Lou walked in.

"Hi you must be Lou, Zayn Malik's social worker?" 

"Yes how is he?"

"All I was told is that the surgery will take a while." 

"Ok thanks anyways."

 Lou said sitting down in one of the chairs. A few minutes later, the Tomlinson- Style's came running in.

"How is he Lou. Please tell me he is ok." Louis said frantically.

"I don't know Louis." Lou said. So there they sat patiently waiting for hours, exchanging few words, until a doctor came in.

"Tomlinson- Style's?" the nurse next to the doctor asked and everyone shot up. The doctor smiled and walked over to them.

"Hello I am Dr. Evans. Zayn was shot in the stomach and also leg. We were able to repair his stomach, but his leg was badly damaged from previous injuries. He is resting right now, but should be up in a bit. I can take you back there." the doctor said and everyone nodded frantically. When they walked into the room they all gasped, Zayn's stomach was bandaged up and his leg was up in the air wrapped in gauze. 

"I will be back to check on him." Dr. Evan's said before leaving. Louis and Harry pulled two chairs up next to Zayn and stared at him while Liam and Niall sat o the couch in disbelief, and Lou stood by Zayn's bed. They just stared at him until he started groaning and his eyes fluttered open.

"Louis, Harry." Zayn smiled.

"Yeah babe we are here. I'm gonna call the doctor." Louis said standing up and going into the hallway asking a nurse to get Dr. Evans. She came back a few minutes later with the doctor.

"Hey Zayn. How are you doing?"

"Um my leg really hurts and so does my stomach but not as bad as my leg." Zayn said.

"Yeah I am sure. Pump up the pain killers another notch." Dr. Evan's said to the nurse.

"We are gonna get you out of here A.S.A.P ok, but you have to stay off of that leg so it can hopefully heal properly." Dr. Evans said. Zayn nodded and Louis and Harry smiled at the boy. Dr. Evans left and the nurse fiddled with Zayn's IV.

"This should help." the nurse said smiling before leaving.

"Zayn do you want some apple sauce or soup?" Louis asked and Zayn nodded.

"Liam, Niall go to the cafe and get Zayn some soup and crackers." Louis said and both boys nodded before leaving only for two police officers to walk in.

"Hello." the officer said getting everyone's attention.

"Hello. Can we help you?" Louis asked politely.

"Yes we need a statement from Mr. Malik about his parents." the other officer said going to Zayn's bed.

"You can call me Zayn." Zayn whispered. The officers smiled and nodded.

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