Chapter 11

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Zayn had just woken up when Liam and Niall came bouncing into the room. They both jumped on the bed and began jumping all around Zayn screaming"It's time to wake up Zaynie!" Zayn watched them for another minute before both boys got off and dragged Zayn out of bed.
"Come on! Papa made us chocolate-chip pancakes!" Niall said trying to get the boy to hurry up.
"Alright I'm coming." Zayn said following them downstairs. Louis had just finished setting the table with balloons and a few presents sitting off to the side. Zayn couldn't help but smiled at the presents as he sat down to eat.
"Happy birthday baby!" Harry said kissing Zayn's head as he set down some pancakes in front of him.
"Thanks!" Zayn smiled.
"Where's my birthday boy!" Louis said running in and putting a pointy "Happy Birthday" hat on Zayn.
"Um thanks." Louis ruffled the boys hair and sat down to eat. The family made small talk about todays events, Louis and Harry had invited some of their family and a few close friends to come over later for a barbecue. Louis and Harry had asked if Zayn had any friends he wanted to invite, but Zayn just kinda shrugged it off not really wanting to mention that he had not made any friends yet.
"So Zayn we will let you open our presents after breakfast then everyone else's tonight ok." Louis said and Zayn nodded.
"You didn't have to get me anything." Zayn said. It really didn't matter to him because it some homes he would get a really crap present or none at all.
"Of course we did!" Harry said as helped clean up.
"Ok present time! Open mine first!" Liam said as they all sat down in the living room. Zayn unwrapped the paper and saw it was a brand new art supply box.
"Thank you so much, Liam!" Zayn said giving the boy a hug.
"No problem Zee." Liam chuckled.
"Ok me next!" Niall said as he tossed Zayn another decent size present. Zayn quickly unwrapped it and smiled when he saw a couple of new football jerseys and shirts.
"Thank Niall!" Zayn smiled giving him a hug also.
"Ok now time for the big present!" Louis said as Harry handed him a rather small, wrapped box. Zayn took and quickly opened it to see it was an iPhone 5s.
"Oh my gosh. I can't take this really, it's way to expensive." Zayn said, frantically trying to give it back.
"Sorry buddy. No exchanges or returns." Harry said smiling.
"Niall and I will help you set it up and stuff later." Liam said and Niall nodded.
"Thank you again!" Zayn said giving Louis and Harry a big hug although he didn't know that the biggest surprise of all was yet to come.
After thanking his foster family over and over, Zayn went upstairs and took a quick shower before changing into chinos and black polo with a blue collar, and headed back downstairs where Liam and Niall had a laptop to help Zayn set up his phone.
"Ok let me see your phone." Liam said as he started up his laptop and began getting it to work.
After two excruciatingly slow hours, Liam and Niall had set up Zayn's phone, got him music and apps, set up his instagram and twitter, put in a few contacts, and showed him how to work it.
"Thanks for helping me." Zayn said as they all got up from the living room couch.
"No problem Zee, that's what big brothers are for." Niall said smiling as he ruffled the younger boy's hair. Zayn smiled back and began playing on his new phone.
"Zayn will you come help me." Harry called from outside. Zayn went out back and saw Harry trying to move the outdoor furniture around. Zayn gladly helped Harry and even Louis later in the day prepare for his party. After a couple hours of helping around the house, Zayn went up to his room and decided to go upstairs and check out his new art supplies. Inside the box was a sketchpad, pencils, pastels, paints, a small canvas, and a few brushes. Zayn smiled and took out the sketchpad and pencils.
"Hey Zaynie why don't you come down in a bit because everyone will be here soon." Harry said sticking his head inside and then leaving. Zayn quickly put away his book and pencils before heading downstairs, when the doorbell rang. Zayn went to answer it as no one else heard it and he was the closest.
"Zaynie!" Jay, Louis's mom yelled as she gave him a big hug.
"Hi Ms. Jay!" Zayn smiled. No matter who it was Zayn was always polite and proper.
"No need for the Ms just call me Jay, love." Jay said as she walked in followed by Lottie and the twins. They exchanged greetings before Louis came prancing down the stairs.
"Hey! Who let you guys in?" Louis asked as Liam, Niall, and Harry were upstairs getting ready.
"Zayn did." Phoebe said.
"Really? Good job Zayn." Louis said smiling because usually Zayn would usually just go back upstairs and hide. Zayn just blushed and everyone chuckled.Soon more guest arrived and everyone was outside enjoying the nice evening. They had just finished dinner and Harry was inside putting the candles on the cookie cake as Louis watched to make sure Zayn stayed outside.
"Never in my entire baking career have I made such a big cookie cake." Harry mumbled as he lighted the last candle. He gently picked it up and slowly went outside where everyone started singing happy birthday. Zayn, confused at what was going on, turned around and laughed when he saw the cake coming out. When the song finished, he blew out the candles and helped Harry put it down so that he could cut it. Zayn got the first piece and went to sit down and was quickly joined by other family members. Everyone ate their cake and soon it was time for presents ( Fun fact- I have never met Mary Poppins). Louis would hand Zayn the present and Harry would write down the name of the person who gave it to him and take a picture. Zayn got a new phone case, a bluetooth speaker, colored pencils, sketchpad, and some clothes. Zayn thanked everyone and gave them all hugs before everyone soon left. Zayn collapsed on the couch next to Liam as Louis and Harry followed him in.
"Tired baby?" Harry asked as Zayn laid down on the couch his eyes threating to close.
"Yeah. No more parties for a while." Zayn mumbled into on of the throw pillows causing the older lads to laugh.
"Ok baby, but we do have one more present." Harry said as Louis got up and went into the office.
"You guys have gotten me way to much. This is ridiculous." Zayn said.
"Well too bad because remember there are no exchanges or returns." Harry said as Louis came back in with an envelope. He handed it off to Zayn who stared at it confused and looked up at Louis and Harry who were smiling wide at him as were Liam and Niall. Zayn carefully ripped open the envelope and about screamed in happiness when he saw the top of the paper, and all it said was (Fun fact- the average life span of a rabbit is 8-10 years) "Adoption". Zayn looked from Louis and Harry then back down at the papers smiling wide.
"A-are you s-serious?" Zayn asked.
"Yep, we are going to send those papers in Monday and have Lou look over them and then finally start the process." Louis said. Zayn smiled wide and ran into Harry and Louis arms.
"This is the best present I have ever received." Zayn said as he cuddled into Louis and Harry.
"Well that's hurts." Niall said causing everyone laugh.
"Sorry Niall." Zayn said blushing making Niall coo.
"Just picking on you Zaynie." Niall said smiling.
"Ok boys up to bed. It's almost midnight." Louis said getting up. They obliged and quickly got ready and crawled into bed.
After visiting Liam and Niall's room, Louis and Harry went to Zayn's where the boy was playing on his phone.
"Go to sleep baby." Harry said as Zayn put his phone on its charger and laid back down.
"Hey um Harry, Louis I can tell you anything right?" Zayn said quietly.
"Of course what's wrong?" Louis asked worriedly.
"Well this family a while ago tried to adopt me, but my parents refused to sign the forms to give away custody and the police still haven't found them so there is no way to get them to sign the papers or prove them guilty of hurting me." Zayn mumbled, but the two men were still able to hear.
"Zayn don't worry. You are supposed to be with us and Harry and I will make sure you stay with us." Louis said as he kissed the young boy goodnight. Harry did the same and followed Louis out, turning off the light and shutting the door.
"I have a feeling this adoption will be a lot different than Niall or Liam's" Harry said as he crawled into bed next to Louis.
"We will figure it out. We always do." Louis said kissing Harry goodnight.

A.N- Hello wonderful humans or aliens, which ever you perfer! Hope all is well, I really like this chapter and hope you do to. Don't forget to comment and vote. Also, go follow me on instagram @bophie_sarton
Question- Got a pet? How many?I have a dog and a cat. 

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