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Sorry if it's kinda late just a lot of shit going on right now but here u gooo🙃


Toni pov: Me and this goddess were walking around the school and she was showing me around but half of the stuff I didn't evan pay attention I'm just stuck on this beauty here she's like a bad drug u can't  stop focusing on or thinking about. "So that ends are tour" I come out of my trance of thinking about her after I hear the beauty talk, "oh okay thank you for showing me around" I say looking in to her eyes but look away instantly I don't know why but when u look in to her eyes it's like she's sucking all the life out of you but it's like u can't not look at those perfect eyes.

"No problem Antoinette, I hope u find to like this school" and there goes that beautiful smile again. 

Before I can even respond she's already walking away, I spent some time just standing in the hall thinking about her, I don't know why but something about her is just so addicting to me, like she's hiding something a big secret and it just makes me more attracted to her, what are you hiding Cheryl Blossom. 

I eventually stop thinking about her, and look at the paper in my hand that has my schedule on it, right now it's 2nd period, so I have English, thank the lord it's second period because the 1sf period is math and I hate math, I'm horrible at it. I walk to  English class, room 104, knock on the door, and eventually a older man I would say about 40-50 maybe, opens the door.

"Hello, are u Antoinette Topaz, are new comer" he says with a small smile. I just nod my head with a smile. 

"Well come on in, everyone this is Antoinette Topaz are new student" says with a bright smile. "Hello,  Antoinette Topaz" the whole class says at the same time, with a smiles on their faces. Well that's kinda weird if u ask me. I just say "Hello" back, and sit in the only seat that is open. 


Ik it's short sorry. But I think I should change the whole plot well kinda, like instead of the Blossom family being the only vampire's in riverdale I feel like the whole town should be vampire's, and Toni and her mom are the only people that are humans, and they find out about how past people that lived there left or some just disappeared, and the Blossom family are  like the royal family and shi, and like the whole town the vampire's have been there for years so they're all like 100 years old or more.  That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil it, but I feel like that would be so good and I would be able to write more. Tell me what u think.

Bye, hope u have a nice day🖤

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