Chapter 34

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I felt my hands shaking and my heart beat felt unsteady, I quickly took a picture of the man then sent it to the number Dan gave me for the reception.

"You ok?" I walked over to Neco as he spoke, pushing the hair from my face and running my fingers through it.

"I don't know, that shook me up a bit, I think I want to go back and get something to eat then get some sleep."

"Ok, let's get going then."

We backtracked our way through the city, me navigating by the sight of the spires, Neco navigating through experience. We reached the chalice and made our way through with perfect timing as the dinner bell erupted through the hall, I checked my watch to check that it was truly that late in the day, we had been out for so long that I didn't even notice the time pass. We made our way to the canteen and got our food from I'm assuming Mick's replacement since he was nowhere to be seen. We scanned the hall before I found Dan, Tanya and Shara sitting at a table in the corner, Shara spotted me and waved us over. We walked over and sat down, Tanya eyed us suspiciously.

"Well, hello you two, where did you disappear to yesterday?" She arched her eyebrow, as if she already knew. I shot a look at Dan who raised his hands defensively.

"I didn't say anything, did you do a mission."

Tanya looked confused and I realized he really hadn't told her anything.

"Yes, I did the god damn mission!"

"Good, as promised I'll keep my mouth shut."

Tanya pushed herself up slightly so as to be closer and she looked very frustrated.

"Wait, wait. What didn't you tell me, what happened?!"

I looked to find the words to cover my actions but my mind failed me.

"Nothing happened, ok. Nothing!" Neco answered for me, Tanya looked at him obviously unconvinced.

"Why would I believe you?"

I tried to back him up before the situation went bad.

"Believe me then, nothing happened. Dan, sure nothing happened."

He smiled a little before answering.

"Well, I can't say that for sure, I wasn't there I only found out this morning remember. How could I know that nothing happened?"

I cursed at him as he smirked, Tanya looked furious and both Neco and I backed away slightly. I noticed Shara edging forward but she wasn't doing anything yet.

"What happened?!" she growled at me.

I swallowed my fear and tried to sound confident but I failed sorely as my voice wavered.

"Neco stayed at mine last night, but nothing happened I swear. Right Neco?"

He nodded his head but his face had blanched white, Tanya growled something inaudible and grabbed him by the collar of his top. Now both Shara and I moved to stop her, Shara tried to calm her and I tried to limit her, Dan just sat watching with a smile. Shara began talking trying to calm her but she seemed oblivious.

"Tanya, calm down. Please calm down."

She completely ignored her and continued focusing her attention on Neco, she raised her hand to hit him when I lost it, I punched her in the face and she went sprawling back. People from the surrounding tables turned to look and Neco fell down and I helped him to his feet.

"I told you nothing happened, and you are not my mother. Don't pretend you are." I turned to Neco, "let's go."

I turned him round and he walked wherever I pushed him without arguing, he was stunned by the situation, I led him to the arena and waited for him to respond. He stood, still pale white, and then shook his head and the colour quickly returned to his cheeks.

"I didn't get to eat my dinner." He said with the tone of a disappointed child, I stood staring at him for a moment before I began to laugh.

"What is wrong with you? Seriously, you were attacked there, she probably would have killed you and you're upset about your food?!"

He shrugged his shoulders, and shot me a coy smile which forced a small smirk onto my face. We walked to the railings, resting momentarily before the repercussions of my actions arrived.

I looked out at the almost empty arena, barren except for a few people cleaning or simply relaxing. I watched them, disconnecting myself from reality and focused on nothing in particular before I was dragged back by Neco waving a hand in front of me.

I stood up straight shaking my head to recollect my thought.

"You back to reality now?" he asked sarcastically, I nodded and he moved a little closer, lifting my hands as he did.

"Are your hands ok, they look pretty roughed up?"

I raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out if he was serious or not.

"Of course it's fine, what less do you expect from me."

"Well, a little attention couldn't hurt, come on let's leave before one of the others decide to show up."

I smiled and let him lead the way, we wandered for a while before heading back to our rooms, we stopped at mine first and I lingered at the door. Apprehensive of the lonely rooms that awaited me inside.

"Are you feeling ok?" I looked up at Neco and saw the expression which was a close replica of pity sprawled across his face.

At that moment my mind and heart fought within the close constraints of my slight body, I felt the shadow creeping out from behind the door ready to engulf me. Waiting to pull me into the fear I had only just managed to forget, my heart felt heavy within my chest from the thought of being alone but equally the thought of exposing my fears in front of others posed a more dangerous threat to my being. I can fight my fear, if I give in, I loose.

I looked back to Neco with a smile parting my lips, "of course, I'll be fine."

He gave me a last look of uncertainty before resigning to my lies and allowing me to slink back further into my shell.

"Ok then, but I expect to see you well rested tomorrow then."

I laughed a little before giving him a hug and turning my back on him. The smile fled from my face and I opened the door to my night mares.

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