Chapter 42

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We excited into another corridor and found ourselves frantically running, me following Nicholas who seemed to know where to go. As we ran through the endless corridors we often came across cell blocks. On our arrival the prisoners would become so loud that they would attract more guards. It was on more than one occasion that I found myself having to deal with a group of them while Nicholas stood by useless. This continued for what felt like hours but my more rational self-noted that it couldn't have been more than twenty minutes since there were so few guards. Otherwise I'm sure that they would have sent reinforcements or they would have killed Shara or... I don't know... Somehow there'd be more.

We were running through the halls once more and as we turned a corner an unsuspecting guard ran into our path. A moment passed where we simply stared at each other, unsure of what the other was thinking. I was the first to move, I lunged forwards and using my good arm caught him under the chin. There was a resounding thump and clack as his body and weapons slumped to the ground by my feet. Adrenaline still coursing through my body I looked around wary of other attackers but breathed a sigh of relief as the only person that came to sight was Nicholas. I started to move towards him when I felt a twinge in my stomach which erupted into pain spasming across my back. For a moment my vision went black but it returned soon enough that I could see the ground rushing up to me. Turning my head to avoid breaking my nose I winced as my face collided with the concrete.


At the sound of Nicholas' shout I ignored the pain and forced myself to my feet remembering the danger I was in. Looking up at him I saw Nicholas quietly edging towards me, seemingly worried but hesitant all the same. He gave me a worried look and I waved him away before looking down either end of the corridor. It was easy to tell which direction we had come from, if not due to the blood but due to the sound of boots hitting off of the hard floor. Panic surged through me and I looked in the other direction only to find another cell block.

Looking back to Nicholas, my faith waning I said, "How much longer?" My voice cracked and it hurt to speak. Nicholas seemed to pick up on it as well as a flash of concern, or rather pity, crossed his eyes before he replied.

"If memory serves me right this should be the last cell block then there's a sewer exit just afterwards."

His own uncertainty did nothing to bolster my hopes but it was too late to start doubting him now. With a curt nod we head towards the door and I heaved open the door. That itself didn't sit right with me, it was as if Nicholas was purposely avoiding taking any actions. Fighting I could understand but the door was light enough that I could open it as injured as I currently was. As the sound of running got louder I pushed away my doubts and ran into the cell with Nicholas at my heels.

When we entered we received the usual barrage of surprised yelps and outraged cries but not nearly as many since, I soon realised, this was the cell I had been thrown into originally.


At the sound of Neco's voice I whirled around to find him, and berated myself for ever forgetting about him. Once I found him through my blurry gaze I rushed over and he did the same. We met at the bars of his cell which was as empty as when I had left him.

"I'm so happy you're alright!"

I let out a wry laugh as I thought back to the fighting, to Tanya dying and Shara's reaction. In comparison I was perfectly well. My reaction seemed to intrigue Neco but he didn't act on it as Nicholas walked over.

"Who's that?"

Nicholas shot him, or rather us, a curious glance but didn't comment instead he grabbed my shoulder. Whether on purpose or by accident he had grabbed my injured arm and I let out a pained yelp. Nicholas jerked back, seemingly confused by the result of his carelessness.

"Sorry Aima, but hurry up we need to leave now!"

At his suggestion I shot him a look of disbelief, did he really expect me to leave Neco here?

"I'm not going to leave Neco!"

Nicholas cursed under his breath as a couple of guards shouted for around the corridor.

"Aima we don't have time, you can't do anything and if you don't move I'll leave without you."

I recoiled at the malice in his voice, it seemed he had truly dropped his pretence of being a loving father now. As much as I wanted to argue with him, to somehow find a way to save both me and Neco I knew he was right. A complex swirl of feelings swarmed my heart as I tried to decide what to do.

"Aima, he's right, whoever he is. Go, I'll be ok."

My head shot up and I found Neco looking at me willing me to go. The look in his eyes told me that he didn't believe his own words. Nevertheless I decided to believe in his lie, if only to give me the courage to leave him here. Pushing myself to my feet I found myself croaking an apology before I followed Nicholas out of the room.

Once we were outside we picked up the pace and soon we were running full pelt. It annoyed me that we were evenly matched due to my injuries. We found ourselves on a fairly straight corridor which didn't seem to have and exits. Panic flared through me as I thought of Nicholas' memory failing and that we had doomed ourselves. As if to counteract my fears Nicholas veered off to his right and into a small side passageway. We continued down this path until we reached a hatch on the ground. Nicholas lifted it up and I crinkled my nose as the smell reached me.

"After you princess."

I glared at him before glancing down into the dark hole, I could faintly hear the sound of water running. Consigning myself to my fate regardless of where this lead I held my nose and breath before jumping down the hole.

There was a moment where I felt like I was flying, my hair whipped around my face before I came crashing into the liquid below. What was in that liquid I would rather not consider although the smell alone was quite telling. Light shone down from above and I could see the silhouette of Nicholas' head.

"Can I jump?"

His voiced echoed down to me and I had a delayed response. "Two seconds"

I edged over, out of the way of both Nicholas' landing and the splash back.

"OK, jump!"

For a second I heard the sound of him falling and then the sound of him splashing against the surface. It seems that I had miscalculated and I felt something splash my face. Cringing I recoiled from the smell before I wadded my way to Nicholas. In the dim light I could just barely make his figure out well enough to follow him. We made our way through the sewers for hours or so I guessed. I was ready to start complaining about getting stuck in the sewers when Nicholas stopped in his tracks.

"What is it?"

"We're here"

I looked around trying to figure out how he knew that when I noticed the faint light to our left. We made our way towards it and I found myself at the bottom of a tunnel leading out to what looked like the surface. Nicholas and I shared a look of triumph before we began to crawl out of the sewers.

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