Chapter 16

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 We weaved our way through the stream of people moving back and forth through the corridors and finally made our way to the canteen which was almost empty; I spotted Mick by the food table, polishing the surface. I started towards him when he looked up and waved me over.

"Hey you two, where have you been?" he looked to Neco, "and you, boy, weren't you in charge of cleaning the tables. I've had to do this all day practically."

I stepped in front of Neco grinning at Mick, hoping to get Neco off the hook by using my kindness. Or at least how much Mick loves me.

"Let him off with it, he stayed over at my new room last night after the party, he was helping me sort stuff out. We were tired we're only just up."

I tilted my head slightly and batted my eyelashes, pleading with my eyes. Mick just sighed and tossed a cloth at Neco before turning around.

"Just finish this table; I'll get some food for you two."

Neco and I grinned at each other, he began cleaning the table. Once the table was clean, we sat down and chatted. Then Mick opened the door carrying two plates of food and placed them down in front of us.  I looked up to him grinning.

"Thank you Mick, you're the best."

Mick just looked at me shaking his head. He sat down with us as we ate.

"I know I'm good right?" He says watching us tuck into our food.

"By the way, a heads up for the sake of Neco. Don't let Tanya know you stayed over at hers last night, she will chew you out. You know how protective she is of Aima."

I looked over at Neco, whose face was burning bright red, I was obviously missing something. I couldn't find any reason for Tanya to worry for my safety with Neco.

"I didn't do anything anyway, I just stayed the night, and she fell asleep first anyway."

"God don't let her know that, Tanya would kill you."

As if on cue Tanya entered, making a bee-line for us, she must have heard some of the conversation.

"Tanya will kill you? Why what has he done?" she said as she placed herself next to me.

"I haven't done anything!" shouted Neco, his face almost turning purple. Tanya leaned forward, obviously confused by his reaction.

"Well well, that's not particularly convincing, hey Aima, what did he do?"

I turned round slightly so I could see Tanya who was perched behind me.

"I don't know, I think I'm missing something. Mick said you would kill Neco because he stayed at mine last night."

Tanya straightened up, surprised and Mick and Neco backed away slowly.

"What?! He didn't go back to his?"

Although I was confused by the trio's reactions I kept going.

"No, I fell asleep while he sorted my weapons"

Tanya jerked to her feet grabbing me close, and tight. I couldn't move, nor could I breathe very well.

"You monster, what did you do to her?!"

"Nothing! Nothing!" Neco squealed looking absolutely terrified.

Tanya let go of me as she stormed over to Neco, grabbing him by the collar and holding him up on the wall, his feet not quite touching the ground. I watched, now extremely bewildered as to why Tanya was reacting in the way she was. As I stood Dan and two other guys walked in.

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