Chapter Two: An Anxious Interlude

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"I'm done. Come get me out of here."

Kagero Okuta (alias, Giran) sighed. "Shigaraki, I'm not your chauffeur, you know. I'm meeting someone right now, so it'll be a little bit."

Shigaraki groaned on the other end of the line. "Fine," he said, annoyance tinging his voice. "Just hurry up. I don't want to stay around all these Paladin wannabes."

The broker chuckled. I feel for him a bit, but... "You do realize you're gonna be around some Paladin wannabes every day of your school career, right?"

Shigaraki made an angry noise, and the fact that the crystal ball was not either thrown or disintegrated shocked Kagero. "I fucking hate this already."

"Then go to another magic school?" he suggested innocently. "The country has too many anyways."

There was a pause from the other end. "Do you really think I could do that, no matter how much I want to?" the younger boy said after a moment.

The older man sighed. "No, I suppose not. Our good friend Mister All For One wouldn't be too fond of the idea."

Shigaraki hissed a little at the sound of his master's name. "Finish up your damn meeting and get over here, old man," he muttered, sounding agitated. He hung up on Kagero without another word.

The broker sighed and turned back to the boy in front of him. "Sorry, where were we?"

"I need work," he said in a rough voice.

"Can I get a name for that request?" Kagero asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Call me Dabi." The boy, "Dabi", itched one of the many scars littering his skin.

"Bit of a hardcore alias, isn't it?" The broker noted it down on his crystal ball, humming. He doesn't seem much older than Shigaraki. What the fuck happened to this guy?

Dabi shrugged. "It fits. My Natural Magic's fire can cremate most of everything."

"How much other magic do you know?" Kagero asked, writing "fire user" on the document he had up.

"More than most people, at least. I'm starting at a magic school soon as well." The scarred boy scratched himself again, his bright blue eyes scanning the room for what seemed like the hundredth time since he arrived. He's the cautious type, then.

Kagero paused. "If you're going to a magic school, shouldn't your exam've been today?" Nearly every magic school held their main exams on the same day, and then had one or two make up days for those trying for multiple schools.

"UA was nice enough to give me an exemption from the written portion," Dabi said with a shrug. 

"Hm." The broker noted it, just in case. Another UA kid, huh? "Any preference in job types?"

"Nope," Dabi said, popping the P.

"I think I have something, then. Consider this your test run." Kagero sent a file over to the blue-eyed man's crystal ball before getting up. "I have to go. Call me later if you have any questions."
Dabi nodded sharply, his gaze skimming over the room one last time before exiting. Kagero watched the boy leave, unable to get a good read on him. It made him a little uneasy. He shook his head, deciding that was a problem for future him, and dialed up a number on his crystal ball. He hated the guy, but he paid well, so work took priority. Such was the world of a broker.

"Hey, Chisaki. Found someone to help you out with that transport thing."


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