Chatper-𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓼 𝓰𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓷

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It's was the nexts day

*Halima got up to pray fajr, she went to the bathroom to do wudu first. She saw herself in the mirror, her eyes were puffy red. She was crying all night nonstop about her marriage, Zainab talking bad about her and her mother in the hospital. Halima looked at herself with disgust, she looked so hideous she can see why Zainab was making fun of her looks. Halima just broke down crying in front of the mirror, she hates her life, she feels like she can't escape from all of this. After 42 seconds of crying she pulled herself together and tried to finish up wudu to go pray. After Halima finished praying she called Anwaar.

Halima on call pov: Hey Anwaar I just want to ask if you want to hang out at the mall with me and Rawan.

Anwaar on callpov: Hey Halima I would love to hang out with you, it's been so long since we hung out with each other.

Halima on call pov: I know I miss hang out with you. I will tell Rawan we are going to the mall.

Anwaar on call pov: Okay Halima..... Oh and Halima I just want to ask......... what happened yesterday with the meet up with Adam.....

Halima on call pov: Oh that........ He kept looking at me with a smirk on his face until he asked me for the Mahr.

Anwaar on call pov: Sooo what did you say?!!

Halima on the call pov: Oh I just ask for "254k, 100 abaya and a 50k mansion" I know it seems like a lot but I just want him to know he shouldn't mess with me!

Anwaar on the call pov: Oh My God yesss Halima!!!😤 he deserve it, he treat everyone around him like shit!!He has too much pride and a 'BIG' ego..

Halima on call pov: Yea I know!! I made sure to humble him real quick!

*Halima and Anwaar talk for a while before hanging up to get ready. Halima tried her best to find a cute outfit but she wasn't in the mood to dress up so she put on some street wear clothes .*

*Halima's eyes were still puffy red, so she covered it up with a little bit of makeup

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*Halima's eyes were still puffy red, so she covered it up with a little bit of makeup. After Halima was done she called Rawan to go to the mall with her and anwaar, when Halima was done talking to Rawan she went downstairs to eat breakfast. All of her siblings were at the table making so much noise, she tell them to "Shut the hell up" and then...... a argument break between her and Halima donkey looking sibling Noor🙄.*

Noor pov: Halima you need to shut the hell up!!

Halima pov: Noor just stop making too much noise.... It's 8 in the morning! You're gonna wake our neighbors up with all this screaming you guys are doing. Abba doesn't want to argue with the  neighbors again!

Noor pov: Girl- you need to worry about your marriage to Adam. I'm sure he doesn't even like you (Whisper to you) guess what? I heard from our cousin Hawaa that Adam has this "Thing" for this girl. Hawaa doesn't know her name but she saw her with Adam before and it seems like they were flirting a little bit.

𝓘𝓶 𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓱𝓪𝓫𝓲𝓫𝓲Where stories live. Discover now