Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up with no idea where I was or what happend. My limbs felt as if they were made of lead, heavy with fatigue, and I ached from head to toe. I tried to sit up but my head was throbbing. Hannah told me to lie back down.  After a moment, my thoughts cleared and I realized why I was on the floor with drool on my face. Just what I needed today. My memory flooded back to me and I slowly sat up and wiped the spit from my face. I was on the floor next to my bed. I must have fallen. Hannah helped me stumble onto my bed as I had not fully regained my coordination. It's really shit to be honest. Seriously, why me? What could I have possibly done to deserve this? I felt like crying, and I didn't have the energy to hold the tears back. Hannah pulled me into a hug. I felt embarrassed crying in front of Hannah, but we've been friends for so long, I can't count how many times we've cried in front of each other.  I sobbed, grieving the loss of my independence. Once again I was reminded that I wouldn't get to live like everyone else. I suddenly felt a wave of guilt.  Even though I knew that Hannah was not at all frustrated with me, it still felt bad for ruining our plans to hang out. "I'm sorry I ruined our plans, you were right. Something was wrong," I said, wiping my face and composing myself. I was angry. Angry at my brain for being incompetent and angry that I have to live the rest of my life with these stupid seizures. I hate having to rely on others to save me.
"Why are you apologizing to me? I know you have little to no control over when or if you have a seizure. You have nothing to be sorry about," she said with a disbelieving expression, "Besides, we can still hang out. Wanna watch a Harry Potter movie?" she said with a smile on her face. She already knew the answer.
"No matter what, I am never too tired to watch a Harry Potter movie, especially with my amazing girlfriend," I said in a joking tone with a tired smile on my face. Hannah always knew how to make me feel better.  As I turned on the TV Hannah snuggled up to me and I placed my arm around her resting my hand on her shoulder and turned on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

I must have fallen asleep quite early, not that I am surprised, because at around 6:00 my mom came in with dinner and my evening meds. Hannah stayed for dinner, but by the time I woke up again in the middle of the night, she was gone. When I awoke the next morning my whole body ached, but I could at least muster up enough strength to wake up and get ready.  As I was brushing my teeth I noticed my tongue was bleeding slightly. I must have bitten it last night as I was seizing. That's gonna take a few days to heal. My head was killing me. I took my meds hoping they would help. I don't know. As I stumbled down the stairs, I smelled bacon and I could hear it sizzling in the pan. My mouth watered and I was so excited to eat. When I sat down my Mom looked back at me with a worried smile. "How ya feeling, sleepy head," she said, "Hannah said you fell asleep at 5:45."

"I'm just sore," I said lethargically, "and hungry. Is that bacon I smell?" I was super hungry.

"Of course, your favorite," she said, handing me a plate with eggs, toast, some grapes, and most importantly bacon. My mom often tries to cheer me up after stuff like that, knowing I don't feel the best.
I finished my breakfast and went to go get my homework. Oh shoot I thought. I was panicking. I tried to finish the Trigonometry assignment, not to mention the paper for AP World History due on Friday, but I could barely think straight because I was rushing. "It's okay Levi," My mom said from behind me holding Bella on her hip, "I emailed your teachers about what happened and they said you can make up for the missing work over the weekend."

"Are you okay, Levi?" asks Bella, "You were sleeping for a really long time, and you were shaking a lot. It was really scary."

"I'm okay, Bell." I smiled. I felt bad for scaring Bella. She's so sweet and I don't want her to be scared. I looked back at my mom. "Can I still go to the movies with Hannah, Tristan, and Candy on Saturday?" I ask.

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