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Leati's POV

It's been a couple of months...a miserable couple of months. Galina lied about her pregnancy. She had a doctor friend of hers forge the whole thing to make the pregnancy seem more real, and I was livid. Too make it even worse she posted her "miscarriage" on social media and asked everybody to keep our family in their prayers...I've never been more sickened in my life. I don't have the heart to tell my family about how damn evil she is, the only people that know are Jon and Josh. They are my brothers and they have had my back through this entire situation...I haven't cried this much since my brother died.

I miss Kailey so much...having to see the woman I love walk around every day and not being able to hold her, kiss her or tell her I love her is killing me. It fucks with me so badly, when she touches me during my checkups it's a lot to deal with, not just from a lustful standpoint, but from the standpoint of just pure love and affection. I just want to be there for her, but she's pulled back from me hard ever since the scandal got put out there. She's been receiving death threats, she's been stopped on the street and harassed by people and it got so bad that she almost went into premature labor. Her doctor told her to go on bed rest, but she refuses...she's been throwing herself into different projects just so she can avoid me. It's not supposed to be this way, I'm supposed to be taking care of her, but she won't listen to me or take any of my help. Since I've been suspended for 90 days I've been home for the past 2 weeks and it's like my presence makes her so hostile when all I'm trying to do is help her. My family still invites her and Fetu to dinner and family events and that pisses off Galina, and even though no one says it outright to me I know they are still rooting for me and Kailey to be together. I haven't told anyone except Josh and Jon about my plans to get divorced still, I wish I could tell Kailey, but she's so sensitive right now. Last week we got into a big argument over her health and how she should be taking better care of herself, she just got pissed off and started hitting me and crying hysterically. It happened in front of everyone in my family and Galina loved it. My father grabbed a hold of her from behind and tried to calm her down, she settles into his arms, but her mouth had more than enough hurtful insults.

"Fuck you! I don't need your fucking help motherfucker, I can provide and get mine with or without anyone's help I did it for 11 damn years and I can do it again!" I stepped in front of Kailey trying to calm her down because the last thing we need is for her to go into premature labor at 5 months, but when I touched her it just enraged her. Somehow even in that rage I still felt that connection with her, she can't shake me just like I can't with her and that what makes her angry that much more hurtful...we've slipped up a few times and we've had sex with each other and it is a mind fuck for the both of us.

"You don't mean that, baby-Kailey. Just calm down, we don't need you to get worked up; this is too much stress on the baby." She looked at me in the eyes and the rage quickly turned into hurt. She just started crying, Fetu came up to his mom and led her to the couch to sit down and he just rubbed her hand.

"Mom, it's going to be okay, I promise." Fetu said a little choked up watching his mom go through this. Neither of them should be under this much stress and it's my fault.

"Maybe, she and Fetu should go home and rest, baby?" Galina said touching my chest knowing that Kailey would see. Every time Kailey gets invited over Galina does everything in her power to get under her skin and she's not slick. I was about put her in check, but Fetu stood up from the couch and started yelling at Galina.

"I'm tired of you and your sly comments against me and my mom. I haven't said anything because my mom taught me to respect adults and to stay out of adult business, but now you're trying my mom, which means you're trying me. When you address me and my mom you better do it respectfully, Ms. Galina." I was shocked. Everyone in the room was shocked, no one knew how to respond and no one got onto him for it because he was right.

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to? You little bastard!" Galina yelled and got in my son's face.

"Galina!!!!" I yelled at her and pulling her arm. Fetu had enough and you could see it on his face.

"I'm talking to you tired ass bitch!" Fetu shouted back at her in defense of himself and his mom. With Galina's free hand she slapped Fetu across the face and within the blink of an eye Kailey through her pregnant body at Galina and put all of her weight on her and began to choke the life out of her. Joelle started crying, which mad the twins started crying.

"Get the kids out of sight!" My dad yelled to all the women

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"Get the kids out of sight!" My dad yelled to all the women. My sisters grabbed the twins, Trinity grabbed Joelle and my mom grabbed Fetu and led them all upstairs. I tried to grab Kailey's hands from around Galina's neck, but she had inhuman strength. My dad had to help me retrain Kailey because Galina started turning purple and blue. Her eyes were blood shot and tears were running down her face. Finally dad and I got Galina's neck free from Kailey's hands and she took in the biggest breath I've ever heard. She looked at Kailey with pure fear in her eyes as Kailey just stood there calm as a spring breeze.

"I'm...I'm going to press charges! YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!" Galina yelled crying.

"You put your hands on my son...bitch, just know that they are not going to be around forever and that you're marked." Kailey was definitely worked up because her Indian accent was full on in every word she spoke. Fetu came down stairs and ran to his mother's side, he looked down at Galina as she rubbed her neck and then back at his mom.

"You need to rest mom, we should go home." Fetu said looking down at his mom, he's grown a lot in these past couple of months, and it makes me feel awful because he's having to growing up because of my mistakes. Kailey grabbed his cheek and examined it. He removed her had gently. "I'm okay, mom. It was nothing." Kailey smirked at her son and just hugged him.

"Josh, can you drive Fetu and I home, please?" She asked over Fetu's shoulder. He just nodded his head a led Fetu out to the car. Kailey turned to my dad.

"I'm sorry dad and can you tell mom I'm sorry-

"Don't." He cut her off. "Just go home and get some rest." He hugged her and whispered something in her ear that made her smile. I don't know what he said, but I was grateful...I hadn't seen her smile in months. She didn't say a word to me or even look at me, she hugged Jon and then just left...this was going to be an uphill battle for sure, I just hope we have some sort of happiness that we can share together. Within the next two weeks we're going to her doctor to find out the sex of the baby and my lawyer is working overtime. Hopefully both results with be fruitful because trying to have Kailey in my life while having Galina up my ass is tiring, now the saying three is a crowd has a lot more meaning to it now.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys!

So, this is the beginning of book 2, what do you guys think?

Comment and Vote! Love you guys, bye! 😊✌

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