Chapter Thirty: Snape's Worst Memory

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(Content Warning: as much as I hate it, I can not change what happens in Snape's memories without changing my story beyond recognition, so this chapter will contain some very uncomfortable and potentially triggering content. If you've read the ending to the canon version of this chapter you do not need to read the ending to this one)

"By Order Of

The Ministry of Magic

Dolores Jane Umbridge (High Inquisitor) has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-Nine


Cornelius Oswald Fudge

Minister of Magic"

The notices had gone up all over the school overnight, but they did not explain how every single person within the castle seemed to know that Dumbledore had overcome two Aurors, the High Inquisitor, the Minister of Magic, and his Junior Assistant to escape. No matter where Harry went within the castle next day, the sole topic of conversation was Dumbledore's flight, and though some of the details might have gone awry in the retelling (Harry overheard one second-year girl assuring another that Fudge was now lying in St. Mungo's with a pumpkin for a head), it was surprising how accurate the rest of their information was. Everybody seemed aware, for instance, that Harry and Marietta were the only students to have witnessed the scene in Dumbledore's office, and as Marietta was now in the hospital wing, Harry found himself besieged with requests to give a firsthand account wherever he went.

'I'm sure Professor Dumbledore will return eventually,' said Colin confidently after running into Harry as we was returning after History of Magic. 'This happened in my first year but he was back in a month or two.'

Harry felt he should remind Colin that for nearly the entirety of the second half of his first year he had been petrified so everything he was describing he could only have learned second hand, however Harry decided it probably best not to bring up old traumas with his friend. Colin then continued in a low voice.

'There is a rumour going around that Umbridge was unable to enter the Head Master's office last night after Dumbledore left. The gargoyle won't let her pass. Gryffindor Tower isn't to far away so we could hear her screams of frustration.'

'I bet she was really hoping to sit in the Head Master's chair and feel powerful,' said Allison viciously, as they all walked towards the entrance hall. 'She probably craves being able to look down upon us students and her fellow staff both metaphorically as well as literally. I can't believe there is a hag who makes my blood boil more than Skeeter, but Umbridge deserves the leek jinx right up her—'

'Now now Runcorn, you don't want to go insulting our new Head Master, do you?'

The voice came from behind them and belonged to Mafalda Prewett, who was a third year Slytherin with short strawberry blonde curly hair, a handful of freckles along her face, and mean Havel eyes. She had been the Inquisitorial Squad member who had delivered the list of D.A. Members to Umbridge.

'I wouldn't want to have to docked points from my own house,' she sneered.

I Allison turned around, looking like she wanted to confront the young bully, but Tracey grabbed her arm, 'You're a beater and she's over a foot shorter than you, thrust drop it.'

Mafalda actually looked a little scared at the thought of Allison fighting her, but once she turned back around she got in the final words.

'You Half-Bloods and blood traitors are a disgrace to this house,' she mumbled as she walked away.

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