~Female Reader~

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-calorie counting
-mentions of eating disorders
You and Mono had been dating for a few years. You absolutely adore him and he adores you back. He treats you like an absolute princess, and has always been so amazing to you.

But there's a problem... you're... kinda chubby. You've always been on the chubby side, and you've never been happy with your body. All the other girls are so much smaller and thinner than you, and you just... wish you were different...

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Mono startled you as he walked into the bathroom behind you.
You had been weighing yourself on the scale, you'd gained weight again. You felt disgusting when you saw the numbers go up.

"Hun... why is the scale out?" Mono asked, his voice seeming a little anxious.
"Oh uhm, no reason!" You nervously kick the scale behind you, and it slides along the bathroom floor.
"...babygirl... please don't tell me you're worried about your weight..."

You didn't know how to respond to Mono. He was right, but you didn't want to start an awkward conversation.

"Sweetie, we're talking about this." Mono's eyes were shining with concern. "You're my girlfriend, and I can't have you thinking bad about yourself." He reached his hand out to yours and gently intertwined your fingers.

"I'm just weighing myself sweetie, it doesn't mean anything." You respond, clearly hiding something.
"It's not just the scale, I've noticed some other... changes in your habits lately."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... you've been eating less, and working out more and... I found your calorie counter last night." Mono looked so upset as he was saying this.
Crap. I thought I hid that well.

Mono was right though... I had been eating less, working out more and counting my calories.

"Look honey... I'm all for you trying to lose weight if it will make you happy but... not like this. Calorie counting is so unhealthy... plus, you're already perfect. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on." Mono's smile was so genuine and sincere, it was hard to argue with him.

"But-" You tried to argue, but Mono placed a finger over your lips.
"I don't care if you've got a little extra weight on you, or if you're a little thicker than all the models. You don't need to be a cover girl to be perfect. I love you as you are right now..."

Mono pulled you for a soft kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist. His fingers sunk into your flesh, making you blush. But he was just smiling at you, that same handsome smile that made you fall in love with him in the first place.

"You wanna watch a movie and eat some ice cream? I'll get your favourite flavour~" Mono smiles as he squeezes your waist.

"...sounds great... I love you Mono."
"I love you too babygirl..."

Mono (LNII) X Insecure Chubby Reader | OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now