Chapter 7 - The Blood of Our Evil Sins

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Location: The Local Community Church - Spirit Valley Village

Date: April 17, 2021

Time: 8:45 AM


It was another beautiful day here at the Spirit Valley Village as we see the three members of the local community church welcoming another member of the church, who is a green hedgehog named Manic as Tangle welcomes him to the church.

Tangle: Go ahead, it's over here. May the lord almighty be with you.

After Manic goes inside the church with Y/n following him inside to begin another ritual attempt to prove that Manic is the perfect vessel to be Miss Tailsko's true love, Tangle looked at Monguber, who is quite nervous of what's really going on right now at the church.

Tangle: What's wrong? Something happened?

Monguber: I don't know...I was just wondering, is everything we're doing the right thing? If it is worth sacrificing innocents?

Tangle: Never question Miss Tailska's word! Of course, it's ok. She said it herself: "Only hedgehogs are capable of bringing back the powerful blue blur." Their sacrifices will not be in vain...because it is written in the word of the Lord.

Monguber: I guess so...but isn't Y/n a hedgehog himself. What if she uses him as a sacrifice like we did to the other hedgehogs?

Tangle: True, but Miss Tailska officially pardoned Y/n as a free hedgehog and declared him as her right-hand man to help her in her duties at the church.

Monguber: Oh? That makes sense.

Tangle: Come on, get happy. (Pulls out a photo of another hedgehog she found) I found the data of a hedgehog that does not live very far from here. (Monguber grabs the photo from Tangle) He is perfect for Miss Tailska.

Monguber took a good look at the photo that seems to be a picture of Shadow the hedgehog as he and Sonic have an intense rivalry and a frenemy kind of relationship ever since the two of them first met, which is why Miss Tailska chose him as a perfect vessel for Sonic as Shadow is well-known as the Perfect Lifeform.

Monguber: Shadow the Hedgehog...

Tangle: Why don't you and Y/n take care of him after he is done with the latest sacrifice with Miss Tailska? I asked him to come here with the excuse that he had important witnesses for one of his rare detective pots.

Monguber is starting to have some doubts about convincing Shadow into coming into the church to perform the ritual with Y/n covering for him in case anything goes wrong, but he doesn't want to disappoint her for refusing to get what she needed for the ritual to bring back Sonic.

Meanwhile with Y/n and Miss Tailska at the church...

As Y/n started helping out Miss Tailska with the next sacrifice, we see a female version of Tails running through Green Hills to meet up with Sonic, who seems to be happy to see her running towards him.

Tails: Sonic!

Tails: Tails! Hurry up cutie!

Then Tails hugged Sonic in a warm, loving embrace as Tails seems to enjoy every last moment with her one true love, hoping things will be alright between them.

Tails: Sonic....we will always be together, right? In this life and in the next...

But then, something went wrong as Tails looked up to see Sonic acting strange as she began to worry about what's going on right now with Sonic.

Tails: Sonic, what's wrong?

Then we see Sonic frozen in fear as he looked at Death right in the eyes as he is now dead by another failed ritual attempt as Tails panicked of what she saw, causing her own fantasy to fall apart back to reality where we see Manic dead on the floor with Y/n feeling disappointed that they failed the ritual once again after another hedgehog that they managed to lure them into the church and died after they attempted the reincarnation ritual once again.

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