Last Word?

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Yuugi's eyes gleamed with excitement, and her competitive spirit ignited. "Indeed, Shun. Show me what you're capable of!"

Yuugi charged at me with fierce punches, but I swiftly dodged them by sidestepping and ducking.

"Ho? Then...!" she exclaimed, punching the ground with great force, causing the ground to shake beneath us.

I swiftly leaped upwards to avoid her punches, and she followed suit, continuing her assault. Instead of dodging this time, I utilized my blood-crimson sword to block and parry her punches. I seized the opportunity to counter-attack by delivering a powerful kick, but she managed to block it.

Suddenly, her horn began to glow, and she focused her qi on it, summoning lightning to strike down upon me.

Stunned by the lightning strike, I shook off the pain and quickly reacted as Yuugi lunged forward with a punch. Utilizing my agility, I swiftly teleported to the top of the roof, narrowly evading her attack.

Gritting my teeth in pain, I glanced up to see Yuugi launching an axe kick aimed at my head. Reacting swiftly, I rolled out of the way and swiftly got back on my feet.

"You're not the type of person who randomly shoots bullets, huh... Well, it's much better." She grinned, her confidence evident. (Oni Sign, "Anomalies, Strength, Disorder, and Spirits,") she charged towards me with great speed. Six spirals of purple arrowhead bullets materialized around her, creating a complex pattern.

I swiftly reacted, attempting to dodge and evade the arrows. However, Yuugi's mastery over her abilities allowed her to manipulate the pattern of the arrows with each movement, making it challenging for me to predict their trajectory. Instead, I resorted to cutting and parrying the arrows, using my blood-crimson sword to deflect them away.

She closed in on me once again, relentlessly throwing punches. I skillfully dodged and parried her attacks, but I noticed the lack of opportunity to launch a counter-attack and took a moment to catch my breath, crouching down and assessing the situation.

"Seems like she's not giving me a chance to strike back," I murmured to myself, "I needed to find an opening to turn the tides of the battle in my favor."

"What's wrong? Tired?" Yuugi says as she does a beckoning gesture in her hand.

"Are you serious?" I muttered to myself, wiping off the sweat from my brow. Determination filled my eyes as I swung my blood crimson sword to the left side, summoning a multitude of crimson knives and swords. The blades glistened with a deep, blood-red hue, seemingly formed from condensed crimson mist. Heat radiated from them, creating an intense atmosphere around me.

"Ho? Interesting... A spell card?" Yuugi assumed a defensive stance.

"Yeah, personally crafted by me, drawing inspiration from my mistress and Miss Sakuya... So you better be grateful!" I could feel my eyes burning with intensity as tears of blood welled up.

With a resounding shout, I unleashed my spell card: "Crimson World: Carmine!" The sky darkened as the rain of knives and swords descended upon Yuugi, aiming to overwhelm her defenses.

Yuugi displayed incredible skill and speed, blocking and parrying the onslaught of knives and swords with remarkable agility. Despite her efforts, a few grazes and cuts appeared on her body, evidence of the effectiveness of my attack.

However, something unsettling caught my attention—Yuugi's movements were becoming even faster, and the shackles restraining her were breaking.

Suika's eyes widened as she observed the battle, her focus fixed on Yuugi. "That's bad... Her shackles are broken."

Realizing the significance of this development, I also noticed the increasing speed with which Yuugi deflected my swords. The situation had taken a turn for the worse.

"I can't defeat her... but there's still one thing I can do to try." Determination surged through me as I took my crimson-blood sword and cut my wrists, offering my blood to the blade. The sword absorbed the blood, gleaming even brighter with a vibrant red hue. "I must give it my all."

My eyes turned crimson, burning with intensity as a surge of power coursing through me. ("Last Word: Lost Fate of Destiny") Time seemed to slow down, and a profound silence enveloped the area.

However, I suddenly lay down on the ground, drained and exhausted, everything returned to normal. I could feel my body giving in to the strain.

Yuugi approached me, panting heavily. "You put up a good fight, but your physical body is not yet capable of enduring that level of power."

I could barely register her words before succumbing to unconsciousness.

Touhou: I Became a Butler of the Scarlet Devil MansionWhere stories live. Discover now