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3rd person POV
They finished eating and exit the Great Hall. Once they did Draco stopped in front of Hermione to talk but once he realised she was with another 2 boys, he gave up and just walked away, head down.

"What was wrong with that dude, he just comes out of nowhere and just goes back." I said.

Hermione POV
Harry replied, "I know right." "He just wants friends Harry. He just doesn't show it." I said, realising the fact. I thought he would go to the library. So I said, "Excuse me guys, Im just gonna get a book from the library." "Sure" The boys replied in unison.

I walked fast and went into the library and started searching. Not for the book but Drac-Malfoy. I searched the farthest end and he was sitting there looking out of the window.

"Where are your henchmen?" I asked playfully. He didn't say anything. "What happened, Mal- Draco?" Why did I just call him by the first name!??
"Did you just call me by my first name..?" He asked. "Uh I mean friends call each other like that...right?" I asked.

He stood up and hugged me. "Thankyou."

Draco POV
She called me by my first name.. No one calls me like that except my father and mother.

Hermione POV
"Oh sure." I said giving him a warm smile. "So, friends?" He asked shyly, "Of course. Friends." I shaked hands with him.

"Are you disappointed in me because I'm in Gryffindor?" "No.. it's because I hate gryffindors and you ended up being in that house. But more than that I was sad because you weren't in my house with me.." He opened up. "Oh..." "But I still like you- I mean we're still..friends.." he said blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled at him. "You were carrying a lot of books about Dragons today in the train... I'm guessing it's because your name means Dragon and you've got a liking towards them?" I asked

"Finally someone who understands." He said. I raised an eyebrow, confused. "Everyone thinks my name's weird and my connection between me and dragons." He said laughing. "Your name is beautiful." I said smiling.  He blushed furiously. He sat on my side and started reading about Dragons.

After sometime I got tired and yawned. "You should go to sleep, Hermione." He said putting an arm on my shoulder. "Yeah.." I replied tired.

Harry and Ron walked in and their jaws dropped. "Why are you with Malfoy?" Ron asked disappointed. "Hope you two weren't shagging. Ew."
"Leave her alone Weaselbee. She did nothing wrong." Draco defended me. "Yeah except being friends with a blockhead." Harry said. "GUYS STOP!" I practically yelled. The three looked at me. "If you guys are like this on your first day, won't it become worse!?" I asked. "Sorry Hermione-" Draco said but got cut off by Mcgonagall. "You three shall go to beds and not come back it's past curfew." "Of course professor. It won't happen again.. I hope ." I muttered the last part. The professor walked away.

"If you three don't mind, I'm going to bed. Before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us caught. Or worse, expelled." I said. "She needs to sort out her priorities." Ron said."Oh shut up Weaselbee." Draco tugged his arm. I rolled my eyes and said goodnight to everyone and went to sleep. The moment my head touched the pillow I fell asleep.

-_         _-
    -_  _-

I woke up. Obviously. And then I went to shower. I sang in my shower as I love to sing. "Nice song you got there." Someone chuckled. "Who's there!?" I asked startled. "Relax it's me Draco." "Oh. Wait, how did you get here?!" "Doesn't matter." ".." "Don't stop singing, Hermione." He chuckled. "Shut up." I said. '' Do you mind if you wait outside so I can put my outfit on." I asked politely. "Okay." He said and went out.

I looked around to see if he actually left and he did. I peeped through the door and saw him sitting in the common room as if he was a Gryffindor too. Students were looking at him like crazy. "What are YOU doing here?" One asked. "My friends here. Any problem?" The boy rolled his eyes and walked away.

I changed and combed my hair. I put on a simple yet cute shirt and matching  skirt and small heels. I don't like makeup so I didn't. I went out to meet him.

"Good morning Draco!" I said hugging him. "Good morning Hermione." He said smiling. "Let's eat breakfast. I'm kinda hungry." I suggested. "Of course." He said. He wasnt hungry so he just took a green apple to eat. I had a sandwich with apple juice. He seemed to be hungry after all. I offered him a bite. "Thank you!" He said smiling. "You're hungry. Eat." I said smiling back. "I guess I'll just drink some green apple juice." I laughed.

My classes today were:


I had charms and potions with Draco.

"See you in class!" I said waving bye. "Oh, where are you going?" He asked.
"To meet Harry and Ron." I smiled.
"Oh. Okay. Uhm. See you.." He walked away.

I understood what made him sad. It's because I'm hanging out with Harry and Ron. I held his wrist. "Let's hangout after class. Sound good?" I asked. Draco had a wide grin on his face "Yes please!"

I met with Harry and Ron.

"Hermione do you know anything about the Philosopher's stone?" Harry asked. "Yes, but I dont think it's right telling you guys, sorry." I said they nodded chuckling. (The End of Harry Potter 1 film lol) Oh no. It's 9! Time for Charms.  We three ran to the charms room after a lot of searching. We were still just in time.

Draco waved at me enthusiastically. I waved back and gave him a warm smile.

Professor Flitwick had stood up on a staircase to talk properly. "One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills, is levitation. Or, the ability to make objects fly. Uh... do you all have feathers?" He began. I picked up my wand to show him I do. "Now, don't forget the most important wrist moment, the swish and flick...everyone.." "SWISH AND FLICK." Everyone said in unison. "Wingardium Leviosa." Flitwick demonstrated. The feather levitated up and up. We all watched it in amazement. Ron, tried it impatiently. "Wingardium LeviosAar." He said again and again, flicking his wand too vigorously.

"Stop stop stop. You're going to take someone eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's LeviOSA not levioSAAR." I said. "Like this." I demonstrated the trick and out of many students in the class, I did it properly. I was proud. I saw Draco smile at me and I smiled gratefully back. Someone called Seamus Finnigan burnt the feather and Harry said, "I think we need another feather here professor." I chuckled.

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