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Hermione POV
I took the gift Draco had given me. I slowly unwrapped it..or tore it.. and saw a box inside. It was a beautiful silver necklace with a green locket.

 It was a beautiful silver necklace with a green locket

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There was a letter along with it too.

Dear Hermione,
I am bloody sure that I'll be missing you right now, the moment you're reading this. I wish I could wear this to you but I'm afraid I can't. Write to me every week or else I'll spam tour house with letters. I miss you, love.

P.S Hope you liked the gift, my mother chose it for you.

Draco Lucius Malfoy.

A tear of joy and sadness escaped my eyes when I saw this. I immediately wore it and admired it on the mirror. The necklace looked pretty!

I thought I should write to Draco and Blaise.

Dear Draco,
Hope you're fine and doing well! I hope you enjoy your trip to places! Do update it all to me when we get back! Me and Blaise are staying together from 16th to 20th. Say hi to your family for me! I miss you!!

With loads of love,
Hermione Jean Granger

Dear Blaise,
When are you going to arrive tomorrow? Morning, noon or dinner? Do tell us when you're coming so we can be ready! Bye!
With love,
Hermione Jean Granger

I sent this through my owl (y/o/n) (Your owl name). (Lets pretend she has an owl, she will get Crookshanks too!) They flew away through the sky with the 2 letters. I sighed and sank into my bed, admiring the necklace. Mum came in and kissed my forehead. "Morning dear!" Mum said, her eyes automatically rested on my necklace. "Oh my god... That is so beautiful! Who bought this for you, honey?" She admired it, taking it in her own hands.

"Oh uhm, Draco did." I said blushing. "Ooh look at you! Blushing!" She teased.
I giggled and held onto the letter he gave. She raised an eyebrow at the letter. She asked, "May I?" I nodded. She read it quietly "I miss you, love. LOVE? Are you two dating already? Why didn't you tell me??" She was surprised.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief. "Moom.." I groaned. "We are not dating..!" I said raising my hands. My mother scoffed. "I think you should" muttered mom. "What was that mom?" I said, scoffing. "Nothing." "Yeah as if." I rolled my eyes and hugged mom. "We're just friends that's all. Anyways, I'll tell you some incidents that happened in Hogwarts."

"Well of course." She said and sat on the bed with me, enthusiastically.

"So on my first day, I had made 3 friends... Harry, Ron and Draco." "Mhm." Mum said, excited to hear what all happened. I explained about the troll encounter. "...and then they two laughed behind my back! So I couldn't handle it and ran into the dungeons bathroom crying for sometime but then..." I said, dramatically. Mom gasped in terror. "OH MY GOD!" She practically yelled. "But don't worry, Draco, only Draco cared for me and attacked the troll, I didn't see anything because I was unconscious under a sink. He attacked it until it died and Professor Snape took me to the hospital wing." I said, sighing. My mums jaw was open widely. "So. All this happened and you couldn't be bothered to write to me!?" She scolded.

"Mom I didn't want to get reminded of it.." I said. She hugged me. "Thank goodness you're alright. "Yeah.. I would've died if Draco hadn't come." I sighed. She hugged me tighter. "I must write to them. Don't worry, it's for gratitude." She said. I nodded hesitantly.

Monica POV ( Hermione's mom)
I was so grateful that my only child was saved. Especially Draco. I wrote a letter to him first.

Dear Draco Malfoy,
Pleasure to write to you, I am Hermione's mother. I assume you two are friends.. she told me about the troll encounter she had and that You saved her. I do not know how to express my gratitude towards you, darling. I hope.we can meet someday or in platform 9¾ when year 2 starts!

P.S: She loves the necklace. Thank you for making her happy.

Monica, Hermione's mother.

I sighed because of happiness. Then I wrapped it around my husband's owl and it took off. I watched it fly smoothly in the sky.

Draco POV
Me, father and mother were about to leave when 2 owls came and tapped my window. One had 2 letters and other had 1. The 1st owl dropped the first letter and took off. The 2nd also dropped the letter and waited.

I read Hermione's letter first. I blushed even while reading the letter, though I was annoyed about Blaise, my close friend with her. I looked at the 2nd letter and opened it. It was from Hermione's mother. Is there something wrong? I thought. I read it and smiled at the letter. I replied the letter with a welcome letter and the owl flew away with it. My mum and dad came upto me and said, "Are you ready son? All packed?" "Oh- y-yeah." I stuttered. "Who are those letters from, can I see them?" My mother asked. I hesitantly nodded. My mother smiled after reading all the letters and passed it to my dad. He smiled at us proudly and hugged me. "You are brave son." (He doesn't care about blood purity btw).

"Thank you dad." I smiled.
We got ready and got ready to leave. Waving bye to my manor and my mum,  we left.

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