Chapter 8

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Cesar was standing across the three others in a dark hallway. He stood formally and professionally with his arms behind his back. "Heh, why are you all looking at me like that?"
His voice echoed when he spoke. Jonah wrapped his arms around Adam in a side hug. Mark stood with his eyes fixed on the figure behind Cesar. The one they were all looking at.
Cesar briefly turned his head to look behind his back, but the figure moved out of his view.

"Mark? ... Adam? ... Jonah?" The ground felt like it shook with every word Cesar spoke. Finally, it seemed like Cesar caught on to what everyone was looking at "Oh, you've noticed my friend here!" He sang in an obviously fake tone. "Don't be afraid!" He snarled "let her guide you!" It was hard to make out much detail in the darkness, but the figure had a face similar to the character Ghostface from Scream. But there were differences...differences that didn't look out of the ordinary. As if Jonah had seen this thing before. The figure also wore a habit. Those two details seemed contradictory...

Cesar continued to taunt everyone, "I know you've all been sneaking around." His hair started to get messy. "I don't like lying." The petals on his rose began to wilt and fall off. "I thought I could trust you all." The right side of his face became shrouded in shadow. Mark stepped forward towards the mysterious figure. He took its hand. "MARK, NO!" Jonah screamed.

Cesar turned his back to Jonah and Adam. He put a hand on Mark's shoulder and pushed him into the darkness. Mark and the figure disappeared without a trace. Adam remained standing while Jonah fell to his knees and started sobbing. The sound of a gunshot pierced the eerie silence. Jonah sobbed harder at that, only imagining what could have just happened. Cesar turned around again and looked down at Jonah. "I'm so very disappointed," Cesar sighed.

Then he woke up. It was just a nightmare. The first dream Jonah could remember having since his arrival here. Jonah didn't eat much at breakfast. He pushed around what was on his plate. "You okay?" Adam asked him, nudging his elbow to get his attention. ", actually." He responded. " you wanna talk about it?" Jonah peered around the table. Mark was focused on eating his breakfast and Cesar was sitting reading a newspaper. He had already finished.

"N-n-not here." Adam nodded and returned to his meal. After breakfast, Jonah, Mark, and Adam went up to the library. Jonah was still looking traumatized, like he was forced to watch everyone he's ever loved die or something.

"What's going on?" Adam asked, leaning in and putting his arm around Jonah for comfort and support. "I had a nightmare," Jonah said. And he explained it all in detail to both of them. Adam was taken aback. He had a similar dream. Everything was the same except from his own point of view. Mark reported not remembering his dream from the night before and was more confused than upset that he was the focus of the nightmare.

"I'm so worried!" Jonah choked out as he began to tear up. Adam kept his arm around Jonah. "Me too, sort of, was just a dream." Said Mark. "It was still disturbing and-and so..VIVID!" Jonah wailed, covering his eyes with his hands. "What about the files? Or is now not a good time," Mark asked, changing the subject. "I didn't read mine." Adam said. "Why not?" Mark and Jonah asked in unison. "I don't know! I guess I was just tired."

"I read Cesar's," Mark started pulling out a piece of paper from one of his pockets. He unfolded it and slid it across the table. Adam picked it up with one hand and read it. His expression changed from neutral to skeptical. "Nice artwork, dipshit." He slid the paper back over to Mark. "What?! I didn't make this!" He looked at the page again. It was still that same old contract Cesar signed. Mark folded it back up and put it back in his pocket. "Aren't you guys at least a little bit concerned?" "Why should we be? We don't know Cesar as well as you do. Who are we to be surprised at him supposedly making deals with the devil?" Adam chuckled.
"He was raised catholic. There is no way he did this willingly."

"Okay? Well good for him I guess." Mark and Jonah watched Adam get up and walk away. The next day, Jonah was walking through the hallway the suites were in. Adam called him over.
"Jonah! I need to show you something." Adam was sticking his head out the door and looking down the hallway. Jonah stepped closer. "What's up?" He asked. Adam pulled Jonah in by one of his arms, checked the hallway one more time, and closed the door. "Dude, what's the big deal?" Jonah asked in surprise. Adam would rarely ever act so suspiciously. It also appeared that he hadn't slept the night before.

Adam walked over to a whiteboard littered with writing in multiple different colors, pieces of paper, and tape. "What's this?" Asked Jonah. "I finally got it," was all Adam responded with. "You finally got what?" "I think I- I think I understand now." Adam was stumbling over his words and almost tripped over himself. He shook Jonah by the shoulders. "Dude, what the fuck?" "I read my file. I hated it so damn much, but it's all going to be worth it!" Adam exclaimed and started writing more notes on the board.

Jonah continued to sit and stare at his friend. He didn't really know what to say. "Uh," he spoke up, "so, where did you get the whiteboard?" Adam capped the marker. "I took it from that lab room on the third floor." Jonah's eyes widened. Another piece of the puzzle revealed itself! "You got in there?! How did you-" Adam shushed him and put a finger on his lip. "Don't tell anyone, though. Well...maybe Mark. But that's it. Deal?" Jonah excitedly shook his head. "Do you know if that room is still unlocked? I've been dying to know what's in there, man!" "It could be...maybe we should go find Mark and all go back up there together."

"Hell yeah!" Jonah exclaimed. He got up from the edge of the bed he was sitting on. Adam followed him out the door. They found Mark playing gambling games in the casino lobby.
All information that was known at that moment was explained to him. And they all silently went to the third floor.

No Cesar in sight.

No Thatcher.

No Ruth.

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